
The Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund provides cash assistance for critical human needs to families impacted by the pandemic. San Miguel County expanding its support. Frequently Asked Questions about the Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund. Click HERE to make a donation or contact Katie Singer at (970) 729-1807 or For...

The National Endowment for the Arts recently announced that organizations throughout the United States will receive federal awards for arts projects in the first round of fiscal year 2021 funding. NEA grants totaling more than $27.5 million will provide Americans opportunities for arts participation -...

Telluride-based Original Thinkers is a fresh and thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for early October in Telluride. The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers, films, performance, and art. The program typically delves into the human...

A new community climate education and action series marks a collaboration between the Telluride Rotary Club and Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library, plus other community partners, part of the ALA (American Library Association) Resilient Communities initiative. For more, head to the Library's event page here.   The new...

Indigenous peoples around the world are demanding their rights in the face of resource extraction and land theft using creative strategies to assure a future for themselves. This five-part series being offered through Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library examines four of those movements in depth through...

After welcoming over 9,000 attendees to the online festival last year — the highest number in the nonprofit's history —  Mountainfilm plans to once again bring films from Telluride, home base, to couches and camper vans around the world in 2021. Passes to the online...

Throughout the month of February, Slate Gray Telluride is featuring painter Tommy White. The show is titled "Affiliated Works."  [caption id="attachment_91704" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Tommy White, in front of his painting titled “Stories from the Church Basement.”[/caption] Painter Tommy White’s will to form appears as a psychic flow...