
For further information about the pandemic in the Telluride region, go to For San Miguel County updates, go here. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call The Center for Mental Health’s crisis line at 970.252.6220. For help with deep stress, Lindsay Wright can...

An elderly woman stole an ice cream maker out of a man in a wheelchair’s electric cart. A woman let her kiddo use a games shop floor as a restroom. Another woman bit a cop over a sold-out Elmo. A man fell on purpose so...

“Things will look different this year." Variations on that sentiment have become imbedded in the lexicon of the COVID pandemic and, with cases surging across the country, increasing stringent precautions have or are impacting virtually every traditional celebration in 2020, bleaching them of the joy....

Corona or no, the holiday season is now hot on our heels. You can like the celebrations. You can lump them all into one Scroogey ball. The only thing you cannot do is ignore them. The first event of the trifecta is Thanksgiving followed by...

The coronavirus is a shared (and daunting) greater Telluride community experience. The effects on the economy and health are unprecedented. Frequently Asked Questions about the Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund. Click HERE to make a donation or contact Katie Singer at (970) 729-1807 or For more info on COVIDCheck Colorado, go...

For information about how to participate in Telluride Arts Holiday Arts Bazaar, Friday – Sunday, December 11, 12, 13, 2020, 12 – 5pm, please visit, email, or call 970.728.3930. "The Season" is fast approaching – though radically eclipsed by "The Virus" – when a...

COVID-19 continues to surge across the state created ICU limitations and long-term threat. To learn more about the grant program and to apply, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. [caption id="attachment_87309" align="aligncenter" width="194"] San Miguel County Manager Mike Bordogna,...

“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden," Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The following is a note from Telluride Academy director Luke Brown and his TA team asking for support for enrichment education in the Age of Corona. Donate here  to "rejuvenation in action" and...

According to news sources around the country the difference between Biden and Trump is "hope and light and love." And now that the dust is settled and Joe Biden is #46, (Amen), the difference between us and - err - them? Telluride’s Word Woman Rosemerry Trommer...