
Telluride Theatre presents the 1st (and hopefully only) annual Shelter In Place 3-5 Minute Play Festival "You Write it! We perform it!" Submit plays to by April 3, 2020. Finalists will be notified by April 6, 2020. Filming, showings/airings will happen right after. (Right now the...

A close friend sent us this story by Karen Frances Eng from featuring global health expert Alanna Shaikh. Her perspective is fact-based, clear-eyed and no-nonsense. And yes, climate change is a big factor in the Age of Corona. A must-read. Listen to Shaikh's TED...

The following is a note from The Palm, with a link a watching opera online. Take me to the OPERA Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Metropolitan Opera announced that the company has canceled the remainder of the 2019-20 season, which was to have ended on...

TIO curated the following story from Carol Tambor who curated the link from The Guardian, an article titled: "Hottest front-room seats: the best theatre and dance to watch online." "As the coronavirus causes venues to close their doors, an increase of live-streamed theatre is expected. Here...

Improving Internet access to allow for distance learning. If you are a family in need of internet service for your children’s schoolwork or for you to be able to work remotely, please contact Erika Lapsys at the Telluride Foundation: or (303) 653-7064. [caption id="attachment_22662" align="aligncenter"...

The following is a note from The Telluride Foundation from Paul Major, President & CEO. More heroes as of 3/20. [caption id="attachment_77424" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Telluride Foundation's Paul Major.[/caption] As the staff is out working with our community partners assessing immediate needs and dig into issues, we are...

The following is a note from Mike Bordogna, San Miguel County Manager. Video link from meeting on 3/18/20. Dear San Miguel County Businesses, Please review the new Public Health orders for all of San Miguel County, that affect most businesses in our community beginning at midnight tonight....