Jeffrey Price is a screenwriter best known for “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” “Doc Hollywood,” “The Grinch,” “Shrek III.” He also directed and co-wrote “For Cryin’ Out Loud” and co-wrote “My Brother’s Keeper” for “Tales From the Crypt.” Jeff's debut novel, “Improbable Fortunes,” came out in...
Telluride's Pinhead Institute has turned its 3D printers towards COVID-19 response efforts and on Wednesday, April 1, delivered 45 prototype face shields to the Telluride Regional Medical Center and 40 others to the San Miguel County’s C-19 antibody test site. Go here to hear Patrick Eells...
Telluride Arts: Presenting the first Virtual Telluride Art Walk, launching Thursday, April 2nd on the Telluride Arts District website, For details on the show at Slate Gray, go here. For more on the show at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, go here. For much more on the...
The following is a note from Carol Tambor, whose wonderful blog is "speaking of theatre" is a must-read. Tambor offers suggestions about what to stream right now. [caption id="attachment_86454" align="aligncenter" width="600"] A Stage Light Rack with 3 Spotlights Shining down towards the middle of the layout...
Telluride Arts curated the following story from "Americans for the Arts" titled "Relief for Artists and the Arts Included in Emergency Stimulus Package." Apply for flash grants for local artists here. Donate to local arts here. And to explore the local art scene virtually, go here. "The...
Telluride Theatre presents the 1st (and hopefully only) annual Shelter In Place 3-5 Minute Play Festival "You Write it! We perform it!" Submit plays to by April 3, 2020. Finalists will be notified by April 6, 2020. Filming, showings/airings will happen right after. (Right now the...
The existence and the work of the staff of the Telluride Foundation has never been more important. "Like most communities across the world, our healthcare system is under stress, our vulnerable populations are worried, and our businesses face uncertainty," explained Katie Singer. Scroll down to learn...
This story titled "Why a Tiny Colorado County Can Offer COVID-19 Tests to Every Resident" by Sarah Zhang for The Atlantic was published on March 23, just prior to the release of the information about the COVID-19 testing protocols published here on March 25. [caption id="attachment_69844"...
A close friend sent us this story by Karen Frances Eng from featuring global health expert Alanna Shaikh. Her perspective is fact-based, clear-eyed and no-nonsense. And yes, climate change is a big factor in the Age of Corona. A must-read. Listen to Shaikh's TED...