14 Sep Telluride Film Fest: New York Times’ A.O. Scott Weighs In on #48!
The Telluride Film Festival (TFF) , #48, is in the rear-view mirror. The following is a review by regular A.O. Scott, film critic The New York Times.
Here is a link to another excellent review by Monica Castillo of rogerebert.com.
And for more from Telluride Inside.. and Out on this celebration of the art, not the business, of film go here.
Masks were mandatory in the screening rooms, as well as in the shuttle vans and gondola cars that ferry cinephiles around this gilded former mining town over the Labor Day weekend. If you had a badge, it meant you also had a vaccination and a negative Covid test. Attending the Telluride Film Festival has always meant waiting in a lot of lines, and there was a new queue this year, outside a tent at the edge of a park where you could get your nostrils swabbed.
In a way, the scene over the past four days felt doubly normal: normal for pandemic times and also normal for Telluride, which is also to say more than a little surreal. Amid spectacular mountain scenery in radiant late-summer weather, a few thousand people elect to shuffle into darkened rooms, emerging to share tips and compare notes before moving on to the next one. Some of these people are filmmakers, movie stars and industry players; some are journalists; the greatest number are civilians who like cinema and can afford the investment of time and money (almost $800 for a standard pass) required to get here.
“Movies are a distraction from reality,” says a character in Paolo Sorrentino’s “Hand of God,” a sprawling, funny-sad, autobiographical coming-of-age story. That’s a good thing. Reality is drab and painful — “lousy,” according to the film’s English subtitles — and movies provide a respite….
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