Author: Susan Viebrock

Solar at High/Middle School

David de Rothschild has nothing on The New Community Coalition, at the forefront of the Telluride region's sustainable initiatives.

If your concern is carbon footprints on your spotless floors,  in de Rothschild's "The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook," the author lists 77 ways to reduce that impact. The New Community Coalition has figured 121 ways to make 2009 a greater, greener year.

In case you missed it, you can also see Little Ways 1-46.  Going Green can be easy!

Greasy Goose to Spearhead concert David de Rothschild has nothing on The New Community Coalition, at the forefront of the Telluride region's sustainable initiatives.

If your concern is carbon footprints on your spotless floors,  in de Rothschild's "The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook," the author lists 77 ways to reduce that impact. The New Community Coalition has figured 121 ways to make 2009 a greater, greener year.

This first post lists TNCC's Little Ways 1-46. Watch for 47-121. Going Green can be easy!

TGFA_visitors_2The First Thursday Art Walk, sponsored by the Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities, is a day-long block party with a mission: to showcase Telluride's fine art scene, including galleries and studios, which stay open late until 8 p.m.

The event is meant to deepen ties between Telluride's business and cultural economies by exposing locals and visitors to emerging and established arts and the town's retail scene.

The 2009 kickoff is Thursday, January 8, with many venues hosting their own artists' receptions, 5 – 8 p.m.

Among them:

In 2005. the Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities opened the Stronghouse Studios (283 S. Fir Street), a cooperative created to provide an affordable, dynamic environment in which local visual, literary, textile, and musical artists can create and interact. Tonight, the Stronghouse Studios...

Lustre (171 South Pine), an artisan gallery, regularly showcases a distinctive collection of hand-crafted collectibles for the home and wearable art for the body: from brightly colored chandeliers and furniture made of exotic woods and inlays to the jewelry of artists such as Aaron...

The Telluride region's The New Community Coalition evolved in 2007 at a time when green is the new black, when sprout heads and tree huggers are no longer the lunatic fringe, when only the lunatic fringe is questioning climate change, when new jobs are literally...

[click play button to hear Art Goodtimes interview]

Art & Rio

I created “Doers” in February 1993, when Tony Daryani and Mike Ritchey asked me to write a weekly column for their newborn Telluride Daily Planet.  

The column continued to appear every Friday during Telluride’s high seasons of winter and summer until August 2008, when my career took a sharp right turn into the blogosphere. By then I had profiled 462 local notables and international celebrities.

(At #500, Will Thompson of the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art , “Telluride Inside… and Out’s” first official sponsor, has threatened to throw a major shindig for any Doer still kicking around town.)

“Doers” now continues in “Telluride Inside…and Out” – TIO for short – a blogazine all about the zazz of the region: what makes Telluride and surrounds such a unique address on the planet.

[ click play button to hear]

John-Grape-450wx325h “Panache” is his middle name. A Brit by birth, John Sutcliffe’s wines are as mellifluous as his vowels, which are decidedly upper “U.” (Britspeak for Upper Class.)

John came to the USA in 1968 after serving seven years in the British Army. He graduated Reed College in 1973 before moving to New York City. Once in town, John took a big bite out of the Big Apple by successfully navigating the perilous restaurant world: first he managed the uber hip Maxwell’s Plum, then helped Warner Leroy re-open Tavern on the Green. A series of other high profile eateries followed, including two in Carolina, John’s next address in the States.