The New Community Coalition

The New Community Coalition

The Telluride region's The New Community Coalition evolved in 2007 at a time when green is the new black, when sprout heads and tree huggers are no longer the lunatic fringe, when only the lunatic fringe is questioning climate change, when new jobs are literally blowing in the wind, and when carbon caps are not confused with edgy millinery.

People everywhere are shopping with their hearts and minds as well as their wallets: from all-purpose cleaners to zucchini and baked goods, natural and organic products are hot commodities. When we travel, we are looking for digs with photovoltaic facades and climate-neutral rooms. We are turning on to turning off lights and unplugging appliances in our homes. But that is just the beginning…

The mission of the TNCC is to identify, coordinate, and implement sustainable practices throughout San Miguel County.

TNCC recognizes that the quality of interactions among businesses, governments, organizations, and individuals ultimately defines our ability to adapt to energy constraints and the unpredictable nature of global climate change. By stimulating interest and dialogue in these and other pressing issues of our time, the TNCC hopes to establish a new paradigm for interactions among  diverse regional factions.

The belief is that these community collaborations can serve to enhance energy efficiency, re-localize our economy and food sources, develop a greener built environment, reduce our carbon footprint, and expand educational resources. Under TNCC’s umbrella are five working groups to address and coordinate projects in the areas of Energy, Green Building, Resource Recovery/Recycling, Food and Economy. Each group is comprised of community members and overseen by TNCC staff.

TNCC is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, funded by the Town of Telluride, Town of Mountain Village, San Miguel County, the Telluride Foundation, TMVOA, and San Miguel Power Association.

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