TIO introduces Indian Ridge Farm & Bakery and its owners
[Click "Play" button to hear Susan's interview with Barclay Daranyi about eating locally]
The New Community Coaltion has asked "Telluride Inside...and Out" to function as its primary mouthpiece for dynamic information about its many initiatives as Kris Holstrom and her team develop programs for the greening of the region.
Kris is a farmer, the owner of Tomtem Farms and the organizer of the Farmer's Market that begins in town in mid-June and lasts into the early fall. For our town's Earth Mother, food plays a major role in her overall strategy for regional resilience. And in that world, locally Indian Ridge Farm and Bakery is a major player.
Indian Ridge Farm and Bakery was born in 1999 when Tony and Barclay Daranyi purchased 100 acres of land in Norwood, Colorado from Loey Ringquist. The land was sold to them below market value because Loey believed in the vision of sustainable agriculture and community supported farms. Since then, the farm has grown into a CSA that feeds over 60 families, a pastured poultry operation, including a state inspected processing plant, and a thriving bakery. The farm also raises pastured pork, several layer hen flocks, some beef and dairy goats. Every summer the farm welcomes 3-4 interns who learn hands-on the joys and challenges of small farming.