September 2009

When I took Gina the Dog out for her walk this morning I found it was Fall in Telluride. For the last several days I have been aware that the willows along the San Miguel were turning, and there were a few patches of...

The Telluride Film Festival is not only about film. Conversations between film buffs in the theater waiting lines, a hike in the hills surrounding Telluride between films, face time with actors, directors, and the chance to watch William Wegman sign your personal copy of...

[click "Play" to hear Clint's conversation with Erik Dalton of Jagged Edge]Telluride outdoorsmen Erik Dalton (owner of Jagged Edge in Telluride); brother Chris Dalton; Ben Clark, among other things a host with Plum TV in Telluride; and Tim Johnson who also works with Plum TV; ...

[click "Play" to hear Kate Sibley speak of TFF's educational outreach]

2006 alumni The Telluride Film Festival stands out among the more than 2,000 similar events around the globe for lots of reasons, not the least of which is location, location, location.

The Telluride Film Festival is known to frown upon brown-nosing stars or the media. Quality trumps quantity: the Festival directors vet their selection down to just 20 – 30 films, new and restored, feature length and short. (Only New York does the same diligence.)

[click "Play" for Ted's story about Bojangles]

Images Over this Labor Day weekend, Telluride celebrates the 36th annual Telluride Film Festival. This week's post from Telluride Inside and Out's dog expert Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel, concerns a dog whose breed has star power. From the hero of "Please Don't Eat the Daisies," Disney's "The Shaggy Dog" and Nurse Nana of "Peter Pan" Old English Sheepdogs have stolen the hearts of millions of young cinephiles, captivated by these huge Steiff toys come to life.

When the breed first crossed the pond, it went straight to the top, entering aristocratic families such as the Goulds, Guggenheims, Morgans, and Vanderbilts. The Old English held their place at the top of the food chain until the late 1950s, when a champion named Fezziwig Ceiling Zero became Top Dog in the show world and everyone wanted Nana. The breed's popularity peaked in the 1970s, when an average of 15,000 Old English Sheepdogs were  registered each year with the AKC. However, as besotted owners soon realized: Old English are high maintenance.

In 1966, long before I had even heard of Telluride, I fell in love with Anouk Aimee, one of the Telluride Film Festival's tributees for 2009. I was a young 707 pilot for Northwest Airlines and saw "Un Homme et une Femme" on a...

Have you checked out our new horizontal navigation bar? Slick, isn't it? Have you seen it lately? Just in time for the 2009 Telluride Film Festival, we've put up a link to a new page collecting all the best stories from TFF, both past and...

[click for Gary Meyer's conversation with Susan about the Festival program]

Pasted Graphic It is deja vu all over again as the curtain goes up on the 36th annual Telluride Film Festival, this weekend, September 4 – September 7. The picture on the world screen is dark as pitch: war, genocide, political debauchery and corruption, economic bubbles burst. If there's a silver lining, the toughest times may produce the greatest art – or not.

In 1929, after the global stock market crash, the top grossing film was "The Broadway Melody," escapist treacle based on a backstage show business love triangle. "Broadway Melody," MGM's first musical, was also the first sound film to win Best Picture at the Oscars. The recession of the early 1990s produced "Home Alone," a feel-good family classic featuring an eight-year-old left behind when his family heads out for a Christmas vacation. In 2001, the year America lost its innocence – and possibly its mojo – the trifecta of 9/11, the collapse of the bubble and corporate scandal led to another socio-economic contraction. The film to beat: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," a movie about a boy magician and his fight against Voldemort and the forces of evil. (Parsing the metaphor is child's play.) Which brings us to the present crisis and the sanguivorous. (And more obvious metaphors about blood-suckers.)

[click "Play" to hear Gary Meyer talk about "the big picture"]Julie Huntsinger, Tom Luddy, Gary Meyer There are about 2500 film festival across the globe, of which about 1700 are similar to the Telluride Film Festival, still, TFF is widely regarded as in a league...

[click "Play" to hear Kristin Holbrook's take on boots] Let's play a game of free association. We live in Telluride, so when we say "boot," you probably say "ski." Right? Not if you are Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts. Telluride Inside and Out's fashionista says,...