September 2009

One of the truly great rock voices of all time agreed to be the closer opening day, Friday, September 18, of Steve Gumble's 16th annual Telluride Blues & Brews Festival. And why not be neighborly? The enduring gravel-throated super star, Joe Cocker, lives just up the road a piece in Crawford, Colorado.

[double-click video to view in larger format]

[click "Play" to hear Kristin Holbrook talk about bows] According to Telluride Inside and Out's fashion queen, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, it is  time to tie one on. This week we are talking about bows. High end designers such as Chanel and Chloe have...

September 17 to 24, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Mars    Evening: Jupiter

1 The September 18th Virgo New Moon closes the door on our summer lunation cycle and opens the door to the Moons of Autumn.  Colder nights and crisp mornings awaken us to the glorious season of brilliant yellow cottonwood, golden aspen and crimson oak. Spring’s verdant green fields are tinted with blonde and streaks of platinum, ash and auburn dance in the swaying grass. Coyotes howl and bears prowl, it’s time to gather food and collect wood for winter.

1 I love this time of year. In Telluride, it’s Blues and Brews. In Delta, it’s the Ute PowWow. In Taos, it’s San Geronimo Day, and in Santa Fe, it’s Indian Market. On planet Earth, it’s the time of Autumn Equinox, when we reach a cosmic state of equilibrium, balance and harmony. Day and night are of equal length, the Sun is above the horizon in 12 hours of light and below the horiozon in12 hours of darkness. This year Autumn begins on September 22nd @ 3:19 pm MDT. May we experience the grace of peace and blessing of balance as we entrain with the cosmos and welcome this very special day and season of Harvest. God bless.

[click "Play" to listen to Jackie Greene on his music]

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Into the fame game? There's no shortage of legends at the 16th annual Telluride Blues & Brews Festival
this weekend, September 18 – 20: Joe Cocker, Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal to name drop three. Then there's the skinny, soft-spoken man-boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to another icon, who, on more than one occasion has also performed in Telluride. But at this point in Jackie Greene's meteoric career, any allusion to Bob Dylan is so much horse exhaust.
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Joe Cocker heads the list of super stars performing in Telluride at Steve Gumble's 16th annual Blues & Brews Festival. Off-stage Joe Cocker is still a super star, especially in the eyes of the kids he and wife Pam support through the Cocker Kids Foundation.

This chapter of the Joe Cocker story begins in 1978, when a fan named Pam Baker, a local summer camp director, convinced Jane Fonda to rent her Santa Barbara ranch to the rocker. Cocker and Baker married in 1987.

Aliensintheattic_200905151038 Juliejulia_200905051045 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is screening four movies in the week of September 8-24. The beginning of the week features "Julie and Julia" and "Aliens in the Attic" with a Saturday matinee showing of "Aliens in the Attic."

Starting Sunday, September 20 "The Time Traveler's Wife" is paired with "Julie and Julia" then a program change on Thursday, with two showings of "The Hurt Locker."

"Julie and Julia" is Nora Ephron's adaptation of two books, one the story of Julia Childs (Meryl Streep) and the other by Julie Powell (Amy Adams), who got a book contract by taking one year to cook every recipe in Julia Childs' famous Mastering the Art of French Cooking. (Rated PG-13 mostly for some profanity.)

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Following their visit to Telluride and total immersion in the Telluride Film Festival, four young Russian directors are heading for Boulder, Colorado, to present their work and meet fellow students at the University of Colorado before traveling on to New York for a screening at Tribeca Cinemas.

Natalya Govorina's "Sanatorium," was named Best Narrative Film at the 2008 Moscow Festival of Short Film.

[click "Play" to hear Susan's interview with Caycee Ames]

Caycee Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts wants to give you the tools to rub people the right way.

Director Caycee Ames of The Connecting Point (and spa manager at the Hotel Telluride) offers a 600-hour/ 20 credit esthetician certification, including coursework in skincare techniques (facials, waxing) plus reiki, ayurvedic therapies, reflexology, aromatherapy and spa therapies. Successful completion of the program enables graduates to sit for the Colorado State Board Exam to become a licensed esthetician.

[click "Pay" to hear Eileen's interview with Alvin Lee]

Lee Boys 2 The 16th annual Telluride Blues and Brews Festival takes place September 18- 20 on the Fred Shellman Memorial Stage in Telluride's Town Park.  The Lee Boys, out of Miami, have been given the revered opening spot for Sunday’s musical lineup.  Out to prove there is no resting on Sunday, The Lee Boys guarantee to have the soulful crowd on their feet within moments of hearing their sacred steel musical styling.  Rooted in gospel, The Lee Boys' music is infused with rhythm & blues, jazz, rock, funk, hip-hop and country as well as influences from the world music scene.