Telluride Film Festival: Young Russians on their films

Telluride Film Festival: Young Russians on their films

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Following their visit to Telluride and total immersion in the Telluride Film Festival, four young Russian directors are heading for Boulder, Colorado, to present their work and meet fellow students at the University of Colorado before traveling on to New York for a screening at Tribeca Cinemas.

Natalya Govorina’s “Sanatorium,” was named Best Narrative Film at the 2008 Moscow Festival of Short Film.

Aleksey Andrianov’s “The Last Day of I.S. Bulkin” was the Official selection, Leopards of Tomorrow International Short Film Section, Locarno Film Festival

Shota Gamisoniya’s “Field, Clowns, Apple…” was the Official selection, Rotterdam, Trieste, and Bolzano Film Festivals.  Winner of the Film Critic’s Guild Prize at the Festival of Debut Film at the Moscow Museum of Cinema.

Petr Zabelin’s “Resurrection” was the Official selection, 2008 Open Cinema International Film Festival (Saint Petersburg).

From Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin to Tarkovsky’s Solaris and Sokurov’s Mother and Son,  Russian cinema captured the attention and imagination of audiences and fellow filmmakers throughout the 20th century.  Today, while Hollywood-style Russian blockbusters have gained momentum in the post Soviet years, art-house film has quietly begun to develop new voices: Natalya, Aleksey, Shota, and Petr.

Watch the video and listen to these four young Russian art film directors talk about their new work and film in Russia. Sergei Vladov is the translator who made it all possible.

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