Alacazem 2009.09.10
September 10 to 17, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Mars Evening: Jupiter
Well, it’s Virgo time and time for me to do the Virgo thing – seriously! – clean and organize my messes and piles. “Stuff” that this Libra Sun, Gemini Rising, Cancer Moon moonchild has so lovingly and craftily collected over a lifetime. Right!
Columns and stories I’ve written over the years, magazines with amazing authors and articles, beautiful photographs and pieces of artwork, leather for making vests and chaps, fabrics for clothing, quilts and pillows, crystals, family memorabilia, cards to and from my Mother, wedding presents I’ve never used, shoes and sports gear…things like that.
Some people are better than others at cleansing and purging, discerning and discarding, prioritizing and criticizing. Not me! I hang on to things from Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, friends and lovers, etc. Sound like an emotionally attached Cancer Moon?