Town of Eagle Soars Into Top Ten in CAST Challenge
[click "Play" to hear Eileen's interview with Roman Yavich] The Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) Reusable Bag Challenge is in it's final days of the six month competition. In the top ten towns who have eliminated the most single-use plastic bags is the Colorado Ski Town of Eagle, currently in 7th place out of more than 30 participating communities who have joined the CAST Challenge since March 1st. Roman Yavich is Sustainability Coordinator for the Town of Eagle and is the administrator of Eagle's "bring your own bag" campaign. With 14 businesses participating, Eagle has been busy promoting the CAST Challenge through their town website, press releases in local papers, ads on County TV and posters around town. The town also bought 2000 bags and distributed them at their Earth Day Party for the Planet and at their popular Flight Days parade. Several charity races also received reusable bags.