Alacazem 2009.09.17

Alacazem 2009.09.17

September 17 to 24, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Mars    Evening: Jupiter

1 The September 18th Virgo New Moon closes the door on our summer lunation cycle and opens the door to the Moons of Autumn.  Colder nights and crisp mornings awaken us to the glorious season of brilliant yellow cottonwood, golden aspen and crimson oak. Spring’s verdant green fields are tinted with blonde and streaks of platinum, ash and auburn dance in the swaying grass. Coyotes howl and bears prowl, it’s time to gather food and collect wood for winter.

1 I love this time of year. In Telluride, it’s Blues and Brews. In Delta, it’s the Ute PowWow. In Taos, it’s San Geronimo Day, and in Santa Fe, it’s Indian Market. On planet Earth, it’s the time of Autumn Equinox, when we reach a cosmic state of equilibrium, balance and harmony. Day and night are of equal length, the Sun is above the horizon in 12 hours of light and below the horiozon in12 hours of darkness. This year Autumn begins on September 22nd @ 3:19 pm MDT. May we experience the grace of peace and blessing of balance as we entrain with the cosmos and welcome this very special day and season of Harvest. God bless.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
This week it’s all about pruning and prioritizing, discerning and discarding. Where to eliminate excess and improve efficiency? Examine personal health, habits and behavior patterns to determine what is working for and against you. Aries can be self-destructive in the pursuit of pleasure and/or desire. Sacrifice is an ally now, indulgence is not.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
You may find yourself meeting up with an old lover or romantic interest, reviving a creative project or spending time with children as the Sun and Moon come together in your solar 5th house of the heart. It’s all about karma and clearing the past via concise communication and genuine humility. Compassion and kindness are allies. Simply do your best.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Ruler Mercury retrograde in Libra squares Pluto and then enters Virgo to conjunct the Sun and Moon this week, so hang on to your hats! This is a call to honesty, integrity and resourcefulness regarding personal emotions, domestic relationships and family matters. It’s time to clear the decks and wash the floors. Focus on the present and heal the past.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Moonchildren move with the groove as Mars in Cancer promotes action and demands attention. Take a deep breath and remember “this, too, shall pass.” Getting wigged out and desperate assists no one and proves self-defeating. Direct your energy toward practical plans and realistic solutions. Communicate calmly and practice restraint. Be cool.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
The nesting instinct rears its head as asteroid Vesta in your sign awakens autumn and reminds you that winter’s on its way. Collect wood and clean the hearth. Do what you can to prepare for cold nights and cozy fires. Put your creative touch on your environment via art, love and fun. Utilize self-discipline when it comes to finances. Stick to a budget and cut back on spending.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
The late degree Virgo New Moon pairs up with Saturn and reminds you – once again – that self-discipline is where it’s at. The last few years have served as a sometimes-grueling test of your personal strength, courage and tenacity. You’ve changed behaviors and restructured self. And yet, there is something you have yet to flush down the toilet. Let go, let God.
(Sep. 23-Oct.22)
With so much activity in your solar 12th house of the numinous and divine, you may feel as if you are dissolving into the One. Take time out for solitude, reflection and meditation. Say your prayers and ask your angels. Commit to daily spiritual practice and force yourself to maintain it, one day and one step at a time. Rest, relax and regenerate.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Information from associates and commitments to friends takes center stage as autumn begins and the Moon is new. Discern and decide just who and what has real value in your life now. Cultivate clarity and practice cleanliness, body, mind and spirit. Clean up your act and surround yourself with positive, productive others. Get ready, get real. 

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Professional obligations and responsibilities are a priority as cooling temperatures invoke autumn realities. In the high country, winter is around the corner and Indian Summer is in its glory. Embrace the multi-dimensional seasonal transitions via outside work and daily exercise. Prune the bush and reap the harvest. Lead by example; live and let go.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
You are taking your first baby steps in a prolonged period of rather demanding self-awakening and transformation. This week carries clues to the kinds of situations and circumstances to which you will be exposed. Gather strength and courage as you stand on the brink of metamorphic change. It’s all about the correct use of will and power – get in touch with your own.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
A fresh lunar cycle in service-oriented Virgo encourages Aquarians to delve deeply into the psychology behind the action, the emotion behind the desire and the fear beneath the anger. It’s time to get out of your head and go in to your heart. Interface with others and share time in relationship. The superficial will not suffice or sustain, go deep.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Plenty of planetary activity in your solar 7th house of shared experience and one-to-one relating guarantees a week of socially charged interactions with people you like and don’t like. Embrace it as a lesson in self-knowledge and reflect upon what you see in others as a projection of what you might or could be yourself. Enjoy the season, welcome the change.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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