It’s Fall in Telluride

It’s Fall in Telluride

IMG_0416 When I took Gina the Dog out for her walk this morning I found it was Fall in Telluride. For the last several days I have been aware that the willows along the San Miguel were turning, and there were a few patches of aspens, even here in the low country, that were showing some yellow, but it was possible to still believe in Summer.

This morning, with the low clouds hanging in the valley, last night's rain showing as a dusting of snow in the 13000 foot peaks surrounding town, and the russet brown of the vegetation above treeline, I had to accept the change of seasons. This is not a bad thing: Autumn in Telluride is probably the most beautiful time of the year. But I am just old enough to pause a bit, and contemplate how quickly the time goes.

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