Around Telluride

The girls lined up School will start again soon – for our children in Telluride and the girls at the orphanage/school in Kardze, Eastern Tibet. It’s time to gather supplies, buy some new school clothes and try on a new backpack; what’s routine for our children could become reality for the 108 girls in Tibet as well -- with your help.

• A bit of background:

LAmdrak Rinpoche by Om Mane Kardze lies in the eastern Tibetan province of Kham, famous for its fierce –and dashing- horsemen, fantastic monasteries, vast grasslands dotted with yaks and nomads’ tents, and a strong sense of cultural/ethnical identity. A local tulku (re-incarnated lama) by the title Lamdrakh Rinpoche oversees a cheerful nunnery there as well as the Tibetan Health center, and has established the home and school for girls. He wants to make sure that these future mothers will be prepared to raise the next generation well. Presently, there are 108 girls enrolled, from age 4 to 16. Some are orphans, some were abandoned due to severe poverty or illness in the family, some were handed to the school so that they could get a Tibetan education. They live and learn in a gorgeous, traditional home in extremely crowded conditions. Divided into 5 classes they learn Tibetan, English, Chinese and math.

[double click to view in larger format]Telluride Adaptive Sports Program furnished volunteers to man the aid station at Lizard Head Pass on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 in support of the Colorado Peace Ride.The first riders left the soccer field at Lawson Hill around 7:00 am,...

by Kris Holstrom

Citizen Scientists It was a trip down memory lane for me last week when I participated in the U.S. Forest Service ‘citizen scientists’ training on the Uncompahgre Plateau. I have a degree in Forest Management from Utah State University from many, many years ago. It is a field I’ve always loved and actually worked in for several summers before moving into horticultural pursuits, organic farming and sustainability coordinating. This experience was a wonderful renewal of those memories.

The Forest Service is embarking on an interesting project aimed at restoring healthy forest conditions on the UP. They will be doing treatments on about 17,000 acres and need to monitor the results. The goal is to restore the more natural open meadow and widely spaced ponderosa pines in some areas – and reduce fuel loads so natural wildfires can occur without devasting effects in other areas (more frequent, low intensity burns rather than occasionally high intensity burns).

Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library was the host and location for a community barbecue on Friday, August 7, 2009. The occasion was to celebrate the Library's selection as a National Five Star Library.Program director, Scott Doser told me food had been ordered for 300, but Telluride...

Telluride author and historian, Rudy Davison met a group of nearly twenty locals and visitors early Saturday morning, August 8, at the Telluride Historical Museum. Davison led us up past the Bridal Veil power plant and up into Gray's Basin for a look at,...

[click "Play" to hear Eileen's interview with Tripp Adams]

6a00e553ed7fe18833011571f9503c970b-120wi The Colorado Association of Ski Towns Reusable Bag Challenge numbers are in from July and Basalt leads the challenge with the most recycled bags used per capita of any other participating town. Telluride and Mountain Village are in 9th place.  More than 30 communities have been striving to kick the plastic bag habit since March 1st by having people bring their own bag or a recycled bag to shop with.  Combined, the communities involved in the CAST Challenge so far have  eliminated the use of 2,408,055 single-use plastic bags since March.  The challenge ends September 1st.  The winning town will receive a $10,000 grant from sponsor Alpine Bank and PCL Construction to install a solar panel system at a public school for the winning community.  Independent Power Systems will install the panels for free.

(editor's note: Thanks to Rick Silverman for the title)Telluride's annual KOTO duck race had it all: the spirit of competition, winners, losers, dedicated duck wranglers, ducks stranded by circumstances beyond their control, willing assistance by friendly bystanders (by-waders?), a cheering section waiting anxiously at the...

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with John Cooley and Pat Frazier]

IMG_4161 John Cooley of Rivendell Farm and Pat Frazier of Peace & Plenty Farm are two of the popular regulars at the Telluride Farmers' Market, every Friday, June – October, 10:30 – 4 p.m.

Rivendell is located on the Gunnison River one mile from Austin, CO. on  At 5,000-foot elevation, John is able to get a jump on the season. The soil on the farm is sandy loam, best for growing root crops, especially potatoes.

Peace & Plenty is located on Redlands Mesa at an elevation of 6800 feet. The 1800-foot difference, means the companion farm lends itself to cooler crops and different harvest dates.

[click "Play" button to hear Greg Barnes on his art]

G. Barnes pleinair_Yellowstone_ For three days, Friday, August 7 – Sunday, August 9, visiting artist Greg Barnes teaches a course in plein air (in the open air) pastel techniques at Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts, walking students step-by-step through the process that begins with selecting a subject and ends with a finished product. The intensive also includes show and tell: Barnes plans to demonstrate the techniques he teaches and offer theories about color, composition and value, which become the grammar underlying future work.

Examples of Greg Barnes' landscapes are on display at Capella outside the main ballroom on the second floor, where an artist reception is being held on Saturday, August 8, 5:30 - 7 p.m.

[click "Play" to listen to Susan's interview with Susan De Sensi]

Pinhead_susan On Tuesday, August 4, 5 – 6 p.m., Telluride's Pinhead Institute presents Mysterious Mixtures & Strange Solutions at the Telluride Conference Center, featuring one very cool chemist, Dr. Susan De Sensi. The lecture is part of Pinhead's ongoing Punk Science series.

In pop culture, chemistry is what happens – or not – when boy meets girl. Susan De Sensi is not talking about that kind of interaction. Her interest is the way substances change and interact with one another and the energy flows that result when these changes take place. Then again...