
Literary Burlesque, an evening of baring it all in word (for sure) and deed (almost, which makes it all more sensual), has become the highlight of the Telluride Literary Arts Festival. And from the get-go, one of the stars of the all-star show (and an event co-founder)...

On October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday of November to be the national holiday of Thanksgiving, a day to count our blessings for the bounty in our lives, as below in this poem by beloved country commissioner Art Goodtimes. [caption id="attachment_55234" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Art being Art[/caption]   Thanksgiving It's...

Amateur and professional videographers are encouraged to submit a video of eight minutes or less to Telluride TV for its upcoming Video Awards 2015, an Oscar-style event. Win cash and a custom trophy crafted by metal artist Lisa Issenberg. Deadline for entry is midnight, Sunday, December...

Mark your calendars for the first in a series of upcoming events hosted by Between the Covers Bookstore. Meet author and transformational guide Julie McAfee. Enjoy a reading and discussion of her book “The Path of the Priestess" on Tuesday, November 24, 6:30 p.m. at Telluride’s Arroyo...

Full classes, new staff mean growth (and growing pains) for Telluride’s Ah Haa School for the Arts. Become a friend of Ah Haa, donate here, and provide scholarships to over 500 adults and children; cover 50% of the costs associated with classes, including instructor fees and art materials;...

FADE TO WINTER features two screenings at Telluride's Sheridan Opera House: Friday, November 20, 6 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 with a $9 discounted "Kid Ticket” day of show when accompanied by an adult. Tickets here and at the door 30 minutes prior to each show time. Scroll down to...

“Marcus; or The Secret of Sweet” runs through December 19 at Denver's Curious Theatre Company. Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_55089" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Curious Theatre Company’s “Marcus,” image Curious Theatre Company[/caption] The third installment of Tarrell Alvin McCraney’s Brother/Sister trilogy starts with another stunning moment at the Curious Theatre. You...

Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation presents two nights of Greensky Bluegrass live at the historic Sheridan Opera House. Shows, Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 16-17, 2015. Opening support Tom Hamilton’s American Babies. Tickets here. Greensky Bluegrass is decidedly not your granddaddy's bluegrass band: the new-timey group was formed in 2000 in...