
Telluride Film Festival’s “Sunday at the Palm” series presents Bears (2014). “With its touching story, beautiful scenery, and stunning camerawork, ‘Bears’ becomes another worthwhile documentary in the Disneynature library," Celebrate Earth Week with Disneynature’s Bears documentary, narrated by John C. Reilly. “In an epic story of breathtaking scale,...

Telluride local John Pryor is executive director of LightHawk, the nonprofit dedicated to accelerating conservation success through the powerful perspective of flight. Since his tenure with the company is relatively short – he Joined LightHawk just a year ago– John went on a very exciting expedition to Central America and Mexico, using the...

Writing for the Huff Post, Maddie Crum and Claire Fallon of the Huff Post suggest “7 Brilliant Books You Should Read While YouAre Waiting for Spring to Actually Come." An epidemic of memory loss sweeps the nation, leaving survivors to piece together their recollections of pre-apocalyptic...

Telluride local John Pryor is CEO of LightHawk, the nonprofit dedicated to accelerating conservation success through the powerful perspective of flight. Since his tenure with the company is relatively short – he Joined LightHawk just a year ago– John went on a very exciting expedition to Central America and Mexico, using...

April 16 to 23, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Saturn         Evening: Venus, Jupiter A late degree Aries New Moon – which will always take place in the final week of the Aries zodiac month – is a good time to really get going on spring projects. The...

Telluride Film Festival (September 4-7, 2015), presented by National Film Preserve, Ltd. announces its Call for Entries in all categories including student, short and feature length films. Submission period begins April 15, 2015. Film Entry Form is available for download at Shorts and student film submissions...

Tri-County Health Network promotes National Library Week, April 12-18 Tri-County Health Network joins the nation in celebrating our local libraries during National Library Week, April 12-18, highlighting the changing role of libraries, librarians, and library workers. Libraries today are more than warehouses for books. Libraries and librarians are...

Going to Disneyland? Don’t get me started: spring break, wall of noise, sea of people, long lines, hot. If only our activities in the park could have been confined to our grandson’s marching band,  strutting its stuff to the delight of the crowds, all would...

It must be a sign of the times. Boomers all over the world in the fall and winter of their lives seek reassurance: it’s not over ’til it’s over, right? [caption id="attachment_49904" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Snow Storm—Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth, exhibited 1842, J. M. W. Turner,...

Now that Telluride’s official ski season 2015 is really and truly over and done, you may be heading out of town for a Big City fix. A little splash-splash in a cultural bath perhaps? If the Big Apple is on your agenda, consider booking tickets now to “Wolf Hall, Parts One & Two." While this...