
Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at the Wilkinson Public Library. Technicolor explored, starting with “The Thief of Bagdad.” FREE. Screening takes place Monday, October 5, 6 p.m. Who could forget Dorothy's unforgettable transition from the lackluster sepia of her Kansas home to the stunning color of the fantastical...

Michael D. Palm Theatre welcomes Fly Dance Company at the Palm Friday, October 2. A perfect dance cocktail of hip-hop, modern, classical, and break-dancing. Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_54157" align="aligncenter" width="476"] Fly Dance with Kathy Wood[/caption] FLY is an all-male contemporary dance company from Houston, Texas, known for its...

The Telluride Arts District's First Thursday Art Walk is a festive celebration of the arts in downtown Telluride for art lovers, community and friends. Twenty-two venues host receptions from 5pm-8pm to introduce their new exhibits and artists. A free Art Walk map offers a self-guided tour that can be used at any time to find...

Deepak Chopra was the keynote speaker at the Telluride First Foundation’s inaugural Integrative Wellness Summit, where he had the audience in the palm of his hands for over two memorable hours. Here, Huff Post associate editor Emily Tess Katz summarizes Deepak’s message about peace to world...

Oscar buzz? Really? Never too early for presidential elections - or the Oscars. Nicole Sperling of Entertainment Weekly weighs in: [caption id="attachment_54030" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Jacob Tremblay & Brie Larson in “Room."[/caption] At this time last year, Birdman had already cut a wide swath through the Oscar field, debuting...

Ying Li to Share Her "Dionysian Orgy of Painterliness" with Telluride Painting School students, Oct. 12-Nov. 19. Registration Still Open here. In fall, the Ah Haa School for the Arts  turns its attention to the changing colors too – but not just in the landscape, on the canvases...

Apply today for a 2016 exhibit at Gallery 81435, Stronghouse Gallery, and the Telluride Library here. [caption id="attachment_54051" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Telluride Arts’ Gallery 81435, one of several spaces available for shows.[/caption] Telluride Arts supports local and regional artists by curating rotating exhibits in and around Telluride. Many of the exhibits...

Joy. The conventional definition is “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness." Case in point, the must-see “Picasso Sculpture” at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. (Through February 7, 2016.) Picasso was our first stop on what is always an invigorating, enlightening cultural bath in the great tub known...

Sunday, September 27, 7 p.m.,  Sheridan Arts Foundation’s Young People’s Theater presents “Rapunzel’s Haircut.” $10 adults and $5 kids 12 and under. Pre-show wine & cheese reception for YPT members. Become a member/reserve a ticket here.   The story begins in a familiar way: Rapunzel is locked in a tower and...