
Major talent - and legend in her own times. But a relatively minor brand today – despite her unique talent and rolling legacy. And yet...

Last week, Cleo Abram blogged about the controversial tampon tax. Do tampons fall under the category of  “necessities,” which in most, read 45, states are not taxed? This week’s subject is no less, ahem, taxing: As The Donald gets closer to his pot of gold,...

Pill bottles, elastic bandages, and a nail clipper are among the motorized items in a rusty old medicine cabinet attached to the gallery wall, each able to tell time in a different world city A mop whines in an almost-human, but fully comprehensible voice. A huge exploded blown-out...

Work interrupted. A life interrupted. One show at the New Met Breuer; the other at New York's Metropolitan Room. Once upon awhile ago in Florence, an art historian introduced us to the concept of non finito or “unfinished" in art while in awe standing in front of Michelangelo’s Prisoners or...

I ain’t telling no lie (or my nose would grow like Pinocchio): when you wish upon a "Bright Star,” your dreams of a magical night on Broadway come true. [caption id="attachment_58082" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Carmen Cusack makes her Broadway debut in “Bright Srar.” (courtesy,[/caption] The inspiration for Steve...

We all know about yawns. One person opens his or her mouth and creates a chain reaction – which is not good if you are at your kid’s piano recital. But what other behaviors are contagious? Read on. We curated this blog by Carolyn Gregoire from the Huff Post. Certain...

3rd Telluride Literary Arts Festival features eclectic events for lovers of books and poetry. Award-winning author Peter Heller is special guest. Panel discussions, burlesque, a major poetry prize, bird forays, activities for kids, all part of Lit Fest. Get ‘Lit’ in Telluride, May 20-22, 2016. [caption id="attachment_58017" align="aligncenter"...

Last week, the subject was contraception. This week, well, it’s tampons. Is Cleo Abram on some sort of  feminist tear? Short answer: Nope. The subtext of her blog last week was really religious institutions and what exemptions they should or should not receive. This week, tampons are surrogates for what we...

Misery wants company. But is the opposite true for people with higher IQs? So says this Huff Post blog by Carolyn Gregoire. Are you an urban-dwelling loner who often prefers staying home with a book to going to a party? If so, psychologists say there could be...

The MIXX is a free event designed to to bring community members together to discuss important subjects using all forms of art, including performing art, as a catalyst. At each event, guests are invited to enjoy a pot-luck style meal and creative dialogue hosted by Pia Gedeon, owner, MIXX Projects + Atelier. The upcoming “The...