
Three-day passes for the Telluride Horror Fest are SOLD OUT. However, individual tickets are available at each screening when seating is available. For more info, please visit this link. See related story for 1st wave of films and more. Second wave of films, special events, and schedule announced for 2016...

Writing for the Huff Post, Katherine Brooks details 23 McArthur geniuses for 2016, pushing the boundaries in the arts and sciences. From a 44-year-old microbiologist to a 32-year-old long-form journalist to a 67-year-old jewelry maker, the 2016 class of MacArthur Fellows is a diverse selection of the...

Two of the must-see films from the Toronto Film Fest on Matthew Jacobs’ list in his Huff Post blog launched at the Telluride Film Festival: ”La La Land” and “Aliens.” My review of  TFF here. Attending the Toronto Film Festival is like stepping into a la-la land where bloated summer...

The first—and perhaps last, who knows?—Women & Words & Whiskey Poetry Evening features award-winning poets Kierstin Bridger of Ridgway; Joni Wallace of Tucson; and Daiva Chesonis of Telluride, plus three regionally distilled whiskeys of their choosing to share for a tasting. Event takes place at Telluride’s Between the Covers...

East meets West at a show up now at Asia Society, 725 Park Avenue (through January 8): Zao Wou-Ki “No Limits” takes the viewer through the life and work of work of a master of post-WWII abstraction. According to the show’s curator, Boon Hui Tan, Vice-president for...

The 2016 Telluride Horror Show announced the first wave of films for the October 14-16 event. 3-Day Passes are SOLD OUT. Individual tickets are available at each screening when seating is available. For more info, please visit this link. Please read on for a "Letter From The Director" and the...

Telluride Painting School announces merit scholarships, discounted housing for 2016 classes. Every fall, the Telluride Painting School brings visiting artists to the Ah Haa School for the Arts to teach a series of three two-week painting intensives. This year is no exception. But there is more. The Telluride Painting School expanded...

Brian Friel’s “Afterplay,” is now up at the Irish Repertory Theatre, 132 West 22nd Street. The run is through November 6. Tickets here. Two people, obviously strangers, try to connect over tea, later vodka, talking trivia and telling lies about their lives around a table in the dining room...

Dan MacIvor’s “Communion” is now up at Urban Stages, 259 West 30 Street, through October 30. Tickets available here. [caption id="attachment_61918" align="aligncenter" width="226"] Writer-Director Daniel MacIvor[/caption] Blame it on a Blythe spirit. Actress Blythe Danner had seen and admired Daniel MacIvor’s ‘Marion Bridge” and asked if he might be...

The Telluride Film Fest, in collaboration with the Telluride Library, launches the next Cinematheque series, “Music & Film,” on Monday, October 10, 6 p.m. in the Program Room. Free to all. The 17th edition of the Telluride Film fest's Cinematheque is a four-part series that explores the relationship between motion pictures and the beloved soundtracks...