
Last summer, the Telluride Playwright Festival featured a new work by the nonprofit's artistic director Jennie Franks. Jennie's play,"Ayn/Sister," is about the Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter Ayn Rand, whose sister pays her a surprise visit from the Soviet Union of the 1970s. The goal of the Telluride Playwrights Festival is...

“The Drowsy Chaperone,” a musical comedy adapted and directed by Jennifer Julia, artistic director, Sheridan Arts Foundation Young People’s Theatre. Performed by students in grades 9 - 12 at the Sheridan Opera House, Fri. & Sat., Jan. 30-31, & Monday,Feb. 2, 6 p.m. Adults $15; children 12 &...

Board Adopts New Mission, Values, and Approves Community Grants The Telluride Foundation Board of Directors’ recent bi-annual meeting produced a flurry of actions and updates that will create significant and lasting positive community impacts. The board’s actions included approving $949,750 in community grants to support regional nonprofit...

SPARKy Productions, also host of the Telluride Playwrights Festival, presents hit Broadway production, “Of Mice and Men,” filmed on stage by National Theatre Live. Tuesday, January 27, 6 p.m. at The Palm. Golden Globe® winner and Academy Award® nominee James Franco ("127 Hours," “Milk") and Tony Award® nominee Chris O’Dowd (“Bridesmaids," “Girls")...

True to form an impressive number of films on Oscars’ hit list found the limelight at the Telluride Film Festival, among them, “Birdman,” “The Imitation Game,””Foxcatcher,””Wild,” Salt of the Earth,” “Virunga,” “Wild Tales,” "Leviathan,” and “Mr. Turner.” Here’s the full list from HuffPost Entertainment assembled by Matthew Jacobs. Take that Toronto! "Birdman" and "The Grand...

Beyond the Groove is pleased to announce Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers live at Club Red. Doors Saturday Jan 17, 2015, 8:00 p.m., with The Harmaleighs opening at 8.30 p.m. Show, all ages. Tickets, $20, here. Club Red debuted with a sold-out show earlier this year and transforms the Telluride Mountain Village Conference...

"Charles Ives Takes Me Home,” Denver’s Curious Theatre. Tickets here. The program for “Charles Ives Takes Me Home” tells us that the setting is “Here and There” and the Time is “Now and Then.” We are heading for a trip to universal messages, we figure, big-picture stuff....

Selected artists exhibit in Daniel Tucker Gallery and vie for cash prizes. Andy Warhol once quipped that every person will have 15 minutes of fame. The Ah Haa School for the Arts would like to help make the legendary Pop artist good on his word. And, for selected...

Telluride Historical Museum & Pinhead Institute unveil local contribution to groundbreaking, collaborative Smithsonian exhibition [caption id="attachment_47780" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Pinheads on Hydroelectric Generator at Ames Power Plant. THM 2005-01-189.[/caption] If you’ve been in the area for a while, you have undoubtedly heard the names L.L. Nunn, George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla...

January 8 to 15, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn    Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars Today the phrase “no news is good news” keeps running through my head. I realize this proverbial saying means that not hearing about a situation, or not hearing from or about someone,...