Fine Art

Editor's note: Meet Ivar Zeile, owner of Denver's edgiest contemporary gallery, PLUS, which features regular exhibitions from established and emerging artists, gallery talks, and happenings such as poetry slams and mini film festivals. Ivar has just joined the TIO family of writers – look for...

It comes as no surprise to hear Telluride described as an arts community. On any given day in Telluride, you might see Roger Mason painting, flyers announcing Telluride Theater, Steaming Bean, and Sheridan Opera House performances, or hear live music strumming out of Town Park....

From Darien Rainforest to Telluride: Show opens March 11. Their story is written in palm fiber  – the Wounaan Indians from the Darien Rain Forest in Panama believe they  emerged from the palm trees –  and natural dyes  from tree (chunga palm) bark, fruits, leaves and...

Workshop with the remarkable Alena Hennessy this summer Speaking just for me, I want , no I need, more creative moments in my life. Those are the moments that feed my soul and bring a smile to my heart. Whether it's designing Ah Haa School's new...

Here at the Ah Haa School for the Arts, we are gearing up for the end of the ski season with two exhibits featuring the work of three strong and immensely talented local women. Each has her own views and perceptions of the world around...

Experience the yoga of photography with storyteller Memphis Barbree, whose biography also describes an adventurer, Reiki master, student of Mother Nature , and yogi. One definition of yoga (out of Desikachar's "The Heart of Yoga") is any action done with uninterrupted, undivided attention. In her upcoming...

Drawing. Painting. Paper Maché. Creating a Superhero. Clay. Screen Printing. Jewelry Making. These are just a few project kids can look forward to at the Ah Haa School this summer. Ah Haa summer art camps have allowed kids to explore their creativity for over two decades....

Opening reception Thursday Been to Greece? Even if not, you likely know the famous Parthenon frieze. Features horses. As does an upcoming show at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art. Get ready to channel your inner cowboy. "HorseShow" includes works by Bernie Fuchs, Mark English, Nancy B....

Poetry and paintings. Beyond some nifty alliteration, the two can easily travel hand in hand. For one memorable day only, Saturday, February 11, the Ah Haa School for the Arts cements a marriage made in heaven when we feature two exceptional and exceptionally creative women in...

Artist Bruce Gomez, an unapologetic sensualist, uses sandpaper on cold-pressed watercolor paper to create a signature shimmering velour effect on his canvases. The pastelist was one of the first artists Will and Hilary Thompson signed for their stable when they opened for business in 1985...