Fine Art

A funny thing happened on the way to the Chagall show at the Jewish Museum. The door to the artist's darker works – read not all fiddlers on the roof and weightless couples free-floating "Gravity"-style in space – were slammed shut because of the Jewish...

Listen to Open Art Radio on KOTO from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, October 3rd to hear interviews with the artists. [caption id="attachment_35049" align="alignright" width="189"] On Forest Road, a view of Lone Cone by Meredith Nemirov[/caption] All good things must come to an end. Thursday, October 3, is the last Art...

The Ah Haa School for the Arts is excited to announce a new schedule for our Fall Painting Academy This fall, Ah Haa offers two, two-week blocks for a total of four weeks of the Telluride Painting Academy. Artist Gregory Botts  teaches the first session. Bott's intensive, "Figure Painting,...

Magritte (through January 12, 2014): What you see is not necessarily what you get. What you see is a pipe. But the label says: "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." "This is not a pipe." And despite appearance, the object is not a pipe. Why? Because you can't smoke...

Friday evening, September 20, The Denver Theatre District and Denver Digerati conclude one of the most innovative and unique summer art programs with the highly anticipated Friday Flash No.5. Friday Flash No.5  unveils motion-based artworks commissioned for the public LED screen located at 14th and Champa. This...

[caption id="attachment_34665" align="alignright" width="300"] Image of aspens, Bill Ellzey[/caption] For Telluride Inside… and Out, this is personal. We own two Bill Ellzey photographs. The first, a black-and-white image, was a gift to Clint Viebrock for his 50th birthday. It depicts a calf being rescued from a...

[caption id="attachment_34272" align="alignright" width="300"] Image by Barry Brecheisen[/caption] Can you capture sound through a lens? The electricity in the air? Getting award-winning candid shots is not easy given the variables of light and movement during a performance. But Rolling Stone regular Barry Brecheisen has the knack....

In the second decade of the 20th century, on the heels of Cubism and other detours from dusty old realism, abstraction became the "ism" du jour and the Holy Grail of modern art. By the time the center of gravity in the art world shifted...

"Revelation through concealment," art critic David Bourdan [caption id="attachment_34158" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wolfgang Volz, © Christo 2005[/caption] About Christo: Over 40 years, Christo and his wife and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude (now deceased) became world famous for transforming everyday urban and rural environments into places of magic...

Wine, food and more If  know about wines, then you know about the turf issue. The grape world appears to distinguish between between terroirists and wine-making scientists or technologists. Translation: those who believe climate and soil (the terroir or land) are the chief factors determining the...