
Editor’s note: Happy Mothers’ Day. Poet/author David Feela sums up with the following tribute. His point: It is not necessarily about having it all. It is about doing it all, seamlessly and without fanfare. A mother’s gallery of quotidian moments is rich with fine art....

May 10 to 17, 2012    Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn Last week I felt as if I might be losing my mind. It was a case of over-commitment, coupled with the sudden addition of unexpected professional and domestic duties. My cell...

Editor’s note: As our dear friend Jennie Franks so eloquently points out, Sharon Shuteran moved through our world – the world – with a loose-limbed elegance, embodying as she did, the very essence of the yoga principles of sthira/sukha: alertness without effort; relaxed without dullness....

Editor’s note: Author/poet/recently retired teacher-writing instructor David Feela is a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. His latest book, “How Delicate These Arches: Footnotes from the Four Corners,” a collection of essays, is available at Between the Covers Bookstore and is up for a...