
[click “Play” to hear Shelton Johnson’s conversation with Susan] Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns is a board member of Mountainfilm in Telluride, where his series, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” premiered in 2009. Among the many noteworthy individuals featured in the Burn’s classic-in the-making is...

Telluride's Nugget Theatre is one of the venues for Mountainfilm in Telluride from Friday, May 28 through Monday morning. Check for the Festival lineup. The Nugget's regular schedule resumes Monday evening with Iron Man 2 (PG-13). Note there is a "TBA" on the schedule...

[click “Play”, Sasha tells us why to support the Squids] No joke. But lots of fun. Remember Jerry Lewis? In an over-the-top, no-holds-barred attempt to win the Telluride Foundation’s Text-to-Give contest by a landslide, Telluride’s SquidShow Theatre troupe hosts a “Squidstravanganza,”  a variety show/telethon modeled...