
Yes, it’s off season in Telluride, but that really amounts to a blip on the radar before the intense summer festival season kicks off with Mountainfilm in Telluride over Memorial Weekend. Among the stand-out events that follow is the Telluride Yoga Festival, July 10 – July...

“Crash Reel” tells the dramatic story of an unforgettable athlete and champion, Kevin Pearce; the eye-popping sport of snowboarding; and an explosive, timely issue, Traumatic Brain Injury. Through 20 years of astounding action and verité footage, director Lucy Walker’s documentary chronicles the epic rise of the...

Telluride Arts’ Twenty(by)Telluride is a lively, casual event that offers an intimate glimpse into Telluride’s creative talent through very fast-paced slide presentations. Presenters are challenged to share what makes them tick—their inspiration, their creative process, their passions, their muse. Each presenter has exactly 20 slides and...