
Found this story by Stefanie Spear about Louis Psihoyos’s latest, very buzzy documentary, “Racing Extinction.” The interview was posted on EcoWatch. Next Tuesday, December 8, Telluride Mountainfilm, with support from the Telluride Ski & Golf Club, will be screening the documentary, at once alarming and reassuring. The event takes...

David Holbrooke is widely known and highly regarded locally as director of one of Telluride’s signature festivals, Mountainfilm, whose impact he has deepened and broadened through deft programming and force of personality. But David was a filmmaker whose docs often premiered at Mountainfilm years before he became...

Telluride Mountainfilm, town work together for one-of-a-kind program. Typically, the only souls who can be found roaming Telluride’s streets at 3 a.m. are bears and the occasional insomniacs. But on May 24, during Telluride Mountainfilm, roughly 80 people — photographers, astronomy fans and festival attendees among them...