
True to form an impressive number of films on Oscars’ hit list found the limelight at the Telluride Film Festival, among them, “Birdman,” “The Imitation Game,””Foxcatcher,””Wild,” Salt of the Earth,” “Virunga,” “Wild Tales,” “Leviathan,” and “Mr. Turner.” Here’s the full list from HuffPost Entertainment assembled by Matthew Jacobs. Take that Toronto! “Birdman” and “The...

Five Companies Selected for 2015 Accelerator Class Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA), an initiative of the Telluride Foundation, announced  the five winning companies slated to participate in its 2015 five month accelerator program. TVA is a Telluride-based, mentor driven program focused on innovative high-growth start-up companies...

Inaugural event ignites Wednesday, January 14 and burns hot through Monday, January 19. Tickets here. Some like it hot. And in the Telluride region the New Year is off to a flaming start thanks to two locals, Erin Ries and Chris Myers. From the fire in their bellies emerged a fabulous phoenix: the first ever Telluride...