To Your Health: Hand-Washing & Hand Sanitizers
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
When it comes to brain health, less activity could lead to a longer life. We curated an article from EcoWatch, written by Dan Gray for Heathline. • Newer research links “qu
My friend Katherine Stuart writes a wonderful blog,”Best Friend Handbook,” everything from fashion and beauty tips to nutrition and recipes – including recipes for success i
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
My friend Katherine Stuart writes a wonderful blog,”Best Friend Handbook,” everything from fashion and beauty tips to nutrition and recipes – including recipes for success i
Flu vaccines are available only while supplies last. Call the Telluride Medical Center, 970-728-3848, to book your appointment now. You snooze; you lose. The Telluride Medical Cent
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
You have have seen the headlines: There’s a vaping crisis in this country and it is teens and young people who seem to be hit the hardest. As a physician at the Telluride Medical
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
A Telluride local, Dr. Paul Hokemeyer is an internationally recognized expert on treating clinical issues at the nexus of relationships and behavioral health. Dr. Paul’s upc
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
The Telluride Medical Center Foundation recently announced a significant donation from Ellen Price made possible by the sale of her family’s Southwestern and Native American art
The Board of Directors of the Telluride AIDS Benefit (TAB) is pleased to announce that Jessica Galbo will take over the position of executive director recently vacated by Sarah Glu
The Telluride Hospital District announced the hire of Karen Winkelmann, a health care professional with over 20 years of experience, as the new CEO of the Telluride Medical Center.
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Since 1981, the Telluride Mushroom Festival has celebrated all things mycological, from the newest advancements in mushroom science to its famous mushroom cook-off. The 39th ann
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out
The Telluride Science Research Center hosts Dr. Aylin Rodan. Her talk, titled “What flies can teach us about our kidneys,” ends the series of Town Talks presented by TSRC.
Dr. Alan Safdi is a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine. He posts on Telluride Inside… and
Telluride-based Dr. Susannah Smith goes in-depth to explain domestic violence. Domestic Violence (DV) and Interpartner Violence (IPV) are concepts we hear about and refer to, but o