Telluride Showcase at The Palm
[click "Play", Rhonda Muckerman and Kathy Jepson talk about the event] It's a mash up, Telluride style.Friday, March 18, 7 p.m., the Michael D. Palm Theatre presents a first ever: The Telluride Showcase is an...
[click "Play", Rhonda Muckerman and Kathy Jepson talk about the event] It's a mash up, Telluride style.Friday, March 18, 7 p.m., the Michael D. Palm Theatre presents a first ever: The Telluride Showcase is an...
Earlier this week, Telluride Inside... and Out provided the meat: the Whos, Whats, Whens, Wheres and Whys of the Telluride Repertory Theatre's upcoming event, plus the non-profit's history. If you missed that post, here's the link for details: /2011/03/telluride-rep-celebrates-20th-anniversary-at-ah-haa-saturday-nite.html.Or simply scroll down our Home Page.
Now it's time for the sizzle.
[click "Play", Kristin Holbrook talks about 10 years of Two Skirts]
This month, Telluride's Two Skirts celebrates its 10th anniversary.
For the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, 10 was the symbol of the universe and the number that expressed the whole of human knowledge. For the ancient Maya, "10" marked the end of one cycle and the start of another. And for director Blake Edwards, "10" was the top of the bodaciousness scale, the symbol of Bo Derrick.
For Two Skirts, "10" represents another day in the office. But what an office.
Life Cycles, a new full-service bicycle shop in Telluride, celebrates its opening on Friday, March 11, 2011. Life Cycles is located at 236 West Colorado Avenue (down Oak Street, below Sunshine Pharmacy). The shop has been open for business for about one week. There will...
[click "Play", Susan talks with Rachel Loomis-Lee] Tempus fugit. Although (thank goodness) the snow is still flying, staff at Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts has turned its thoughts to summer, when Telluride's community arts center becomes a playground for kids.Summer...
A new store is opening in Telluride: Life Cycles, a full service bike shop is now open for business at 236 West Colorado Avenue, just below Sunshine Pharmacy on Oak Street. The flagship brand is Specialized, with...
The Second Annual Compassion Festival—an “Ideas Festival” hosted by the Telluride Institute—is scheduled for July 8-10 at the Sheridan Opera House. This will be a unique event dedicated to exploring 'compassion for a world in crisis'. This enormously important and complex subject will be...
[click "Play", Cari Mackey talks to Susan about cross-country skiing and gear] The fun at Telluride's Jagged Edge started earlier this month. Through March 18, the popular outdoor adventure retail outlet has a full selection of classic and skate boots, bindings and...
Terry Tempest Williams heads list of activists, artists and adventurers
The annual Mountainfilm in Telluride festival is always about much more than just powerful films. What really sets the event apart is the depth and breadth of its line-up of special guest presenters. The 33rd annual event, May 27 – 30, 2011, is no exception to the rule. Festival Director David Holbrooke feels that once again, the quality of the guests, plus the rare opportunity for audiences to engage and interact, will make the long weekend especially exciting and unique.
“Our theme this year is awareness into action,” Holbrooke said. “So we were particularly looking for special guests who can both motivate our audiences – engage and energize them – but also give them practical, hands-on help in actually becoming involved in critical issues. We want people to have much better tools for making a difference when they leave this year’s festival.”
Holbrooke is looking forward to welcoming Terry Tempest Williams back to Telluride.
The Telluride Student Fashion Show, co-directed by Charlotte Delpit and Devin McCarthy, was a tour de force of directing and choreography, setting the bar pretty darn high for TAB's sold-out gala fashion show on Saturday, March 5. (Get on the waiting list and live in hope.)
Just how high? According to Telluride AIDS Benefit board member Sandy McLaughlin: "We just got our latest totals: we raised $8020 so far from show last night! Highest amount ever!"
Bravo ladies.
Now on to the Main Event.