
[caption id="attachment_34213" align="alignright" width="300"] Julia Crockett[/caption] What happens in Telluride does not stay in Telluride – and that is a good thing. And a natural thing, the way of the world, if the subject is the young people who grow up in the region and are...

In the second decade of the 20th century, on the heels of Cubism and other detours from dusty old realism, abstraction became the "ism" du jour and the Holy Grail of modern art. By the time the center of gravity in the art world shifted...

[caption id="attachment_31094" align="alignright" width="223"] TFF #40 by Dean Tavoularis[/caption] Just in time for the 40th Anniversary of the Telluride Film Festival, the Nugget Theatre (now operated year-round by the Festival), will undergo a digital cinema conversion that will enable filmgoers to enjoy the latest, most state-of-the-art...

"Dionysus" takes place at the Ah Haa School, 300 South Townsend, 8 p.m. through Thursday, 8/22. Reservations required. Telluride Theatre's artistic director Sasha Sullivan has a thing for the naked truth. Mostly literally. Think "Burlesque," her annual celebration of pulchritude with attitude. Or her winter blockbuster, an inspired...

With special guests, The Pimps of Joytime & DJ I-Gene Thievery Corporation is a Washington D.C.-based recording artist and DJ duo comprised of Rob Garza, Eric Hilton and supporting artists Rob Myers, Frank "Booty Lock" Mitchell, Jeff Franca and Ashish Vyas. Their music style is a...

There will be time, there will be time. To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet," T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock "We present ourselves to the world foremost with our faces," Dr. Kenneth Salyer explains, "and the people we...

"Revelation through concealment," art critic David Bourdan [caption id="attachment_34158" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wolfgang Volz, © Christo 2005[/caption] About Christo: Over 40 years, Christo and his wife and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude (now deceased) became world famous for transforming everyday urban and rural environments into places of magic...

Wine, food and more If  know about wines, then you know about the turf issue. The grape world appears to distinguish between between terroirists and wine-making scientists or technologists. Translation: those who believe climate and soil (the terroir or land) are the chief factors determining the...

Party like it is 1237 B.C. Guess who's coming to dinner? Promise, he will bring the wine. It's Dionysus, who can be scarier than your mother-in-law on a bad hair day and just as unpredictable. The strange and wildly contradictory aspects of the god have, over time, been...

[caption id="attachment_33927" align="alignright" width="281"] An image from Telluride Plein Air[/caption] They came. They saw. They painted. "They" were Plein Air artists selected through a juried process, their work (along with a biography) vetted by a panel of artists, gallery owners and educators. Between Friday, June 28 – Thursday, July 4,...