
[caption id="attachment_31711" align="alignleft" width="200"] Cellist Edward Aaron debuts at Telluride Musicfest[/caption] The 11th annual Telluride Musicfest continues this week, with programs based on the theme "Bohemians." "Bohemian folk melodies are beautifully expressive, there's a sense of emotions being very close to the surface, and Bohemian rhythmic impulses are...

[caption id="attachment_32192" align="alignright" width="225"] "His Own Undoing"[/caption] The girl can't help it. Sculptor and long-time Telluride local Julie McNair was born to make art. Julie's mother had studied fine art and music in college. Her grandmother was an antique dealer with a large collection of dolls from...

[caption id="attachment_32313" align="alignright" width="111"] "Sunlit hillside," Marshall Noice[/caption] Telluride Arts' First Thursday Art Walk is a festive celebration of the arts in downtown Telluride for art lovers, community, and friends. Fifteen venues host receptions from 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. to showcase new exhibitions and artists. Only...

[caption id="attachment_32130" align="alignright" width="193"] Elizabeth Taylor, by Bernie Fuchs[/caption] The fireworks start on Tuesday – and may end with Tuesday unless the weather gods shed some tears– with a special holiday edition of Telluride Arts' monthly Art Walk. Venues all over town feature exciting exhibitions showcasing...

 "As a community we should be duly proud of the work of all the individuals within the arts environment, for helping us receive this award, which puts Telluride not only in the spotlight, but places us in the leadership of this state, related to the...

[caption id="attachment_32155" align="alignright" width="300"] Chef Bud Thomas of Rev, Hotel Madeline, and Library's Books & Cooks[/caption] Chef Bud (Thomas) is cooking with gas this month. Rev, the signature restaurant at Hotel Madeline, Mountain Village, opened for business with a VIP welcome dinner for the Telluride Wine Festival...

June 27 to July 4, 2013       Visible planets: Morning: Mars      Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn April, May and June have been full of physical trials and emotional turmoil, tantalizing possibilities, love and loss, pain and gain. I often wonder what the world is coming to. And then...

Many Options for Fourth of July Week Last week, while Telluride hummed along with Bluegrass, the Ah Haa School was abuzz with new art camp students, summer interns, and all things art auction, as the school preps for its major annual fundraiser, July 19. This week...

[caption id="attachment_32043" align="alignright" width="281"] 2012 Artist Choice/Best of Show Award, Bill Cramer's "Clarice's Ranch"[/caption] Old idea. New blood. When they first came on the scene back in 1874, artists who ultimately became brand names – Monet, Manet, Renoir, Bonnard and Degas – were considered rebels. Defying the...

[caption id="attachment_25239" align="alignright" width="200"] Telluride Venture Accelerator's Jesse Johnson (left) & Telluride Foundation's Paul Major (right)[/caption] With the help of sixty Telluride expert mentors, TVA winners conclude six-month training program The Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA) is entering the final phase of its inaugural year. Launched in the...