
Editor’s note: Year after year, the Library Journal Index of Public Library Services, a public library rating system, has designated Telluride’s Library a five-star institution. And it just earned its fifth star in a row, which puts The Wilkinson Public Library into an elite club...

March 7 to 14, 2013      Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Jupiter  Sometimes I have a hard time letting go. Whether it is a many-years-old birthday card from my no-longer-here-on-Earth Mother, written in her distinctive cursive script, or a stack of yellowed Telluride Times...

Mark your calendars for the following workshops and ED Breakfasts. More workshop information is coming soon. For all workshops and ED Breakfasts, please RSVP to MARCH EVENTS Executive Director Breakfast. Thursday, March 14, 8:30am to 9:45 a.m., Telluride Room, Wilkinson Public Library (100 W. Pacific Ave.)...

Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts' juried fiber arts show was never meant to be a showcase for super duper sewing skills. It was not even about creating a unique piece of art – functional or not – using fiber. The show when announced...

[caption id="attachment_28534" align="alignright" width="122"] Gomez interprets Rodin[/caption] Bruce Gomez was the very first artist Will and Hilary Thompson, owners of the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, signed for their stable when they opened their new gallery on Main Street (130 East Colorado) in 1985. Will Thompson...

[caption id="attachment_28455" align="alignright" width="300"] [/caption] Editor’s note: Kent Haruf is an award-winning author. His fifth novel is "Benediction," his first in eight years. "Eventide," his sequel to the 1999 National Book Award nominee "Plainsong," came out in 2004. Denver-based writer Mark Stevens, a regular contributor...

Erica Olsen, Barbara Richardson & Jana Richman featured at Arroyo Wine Bar, Monday, March 4, 5 p.m. (In conjunction with Torrey House Press & Great Old Broads for Wilderness) Telluride is the launch location for a 3-towns-in-3-days book tour by Utah-based Torrey House Press. These three...

Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at Wilkinson Public Library [caption id="attachment_28304" align="alignright" width="250"] "Nosferatu"[/caption] Vampires and witches? Yawn. So much of that going around these days. But lively conversation and great food too? Now you're talking. And what we are talking about is Cinematheque, a free film club...