
Two of the must-see films from the Toronto Film Fest on Matthew Jacobs’ list in his Huff Post blog launched at the Telluride Film Festival: ”La La Land” and “Aliens.” My review of  TFF here. Attending the Toronto Film Festival is like stepping into a la-la land where bloated summer...

The 2016 Telluride Horror Show announced the first wave of films for the October 14-16 event. 3-Day Passes are SOLD OUT. Individual tickets are available at each screening when seating is available. For more info, please visit this link. Please read on for a "Letter From The Director" and the...

The Telluride Film Fest, in collaboration with the Telluride Library, launches the next Cinematheque series, “Music & Film,” on Monday, October 10, 6 p.m. in the Program Room. Free to all. The 17th edition of the Telluride Film fest's Cinematheque is a four-part series that explores the relationship between motion pictures and the beloved soundtracks...

The Telluride Film Festival presents “Sunday at the Palm, "April and the Extraordinary World," (2015). Sunday, September 25, 4 p.m. Michael D. Palm Theatre for the Performing Arts. Rated PG. FREE TO ALL. Running time 105 minutes. “It feels somewhat clichéd to call an animated adventure film a ‘delight,’ but it’s...

At the screening of  Barry Jenkins’ sophomore project and masterpiece, “Moonlight – a love fest – the rapt audience learned the writer-director had come up through the ranks at the Telluride Film Festival, doing everything to remain involved after his days attending the Student Symposium ended: popping popcorn, cleaning bathrooms, spilling...

“This has to be the coolest festival,” actress Emma Stone of “La La Land." “Telluride is the best film festival in the world," 2016 tributee Pablo Larrain. 1549, 155, 208, 3.95 Painting the picture by the numbers, they are respectively the flight number, the headcount of the passengers on board,...

Presented by the National Film Preserve, today the Telluride Film Festival announced its official program selections for the 43rd edition of the Telluride Film Festival. TFF’s annual celebration of artistic excellence brings together cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers and artists to discover the best in world cinema in...