
Celebrate Earth Week with the Disneynature documentary "African Cats," narrated by Samuel L. Jackson.   The film follows a pride of lions and a family of cheetahs living and surviving on the African savannah. Released on Earth Day, April 22, 2011, a percentage of the film’s proceeds went toward the...

Telluride Film Festival, (August 29 – September 1, 2014), presented by National Film Preserve, Ltd. announces its Call for Entries in all categories including student, short and feature length films. Submission period begins April 15, 2014. Film Entry Form is available for download at Shorts and...

Passes to the 41st Telluride Film Festival (August 29-September 1, 2014) are now available for purchase at [caption id="attachment_31094" align="aligncenter" width="447"] TFF #40 by Dean Tavoularis[/caption] The Cinephile Pass - Directed to the serious Cinephile, this pass follows a special menu of unique & often unrepeated...

Well, Telluride.  Judging from the lines at any movie, people who make the popcorn seem to know what they are doing. Apparently so do the people who put together the Telluride Film Festival. [caption id="attachment_38653" align="aligncenter" width="600"] "12 Years a Slave" team after winning Best Pic. (Image,...

Sunday night is the Oscars, when Telluride will be in the limelight with the films and actors that got kickstarted at the 2013 Telluride Film Festival: "Inside Llewyn Davis," "12 Years A Slave," "Gravity," Blue is the Warmest Color," "All is Lost," "Nebraska," "Frances Ha,"...

Telluride Film Festival, San Miguel Resource Center and Wilkinson Public Library Collaborate for March Cinematheque  The Telluride Film Festival, the San Miguel Resource Center and Wilkinson Public Library are pleased to present March’s edition Cinematheque, a collaboration that brings Festival-quality films year-round to the community of...

“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”  The Telluride Film Festival’s Sunday at the Palm series is pleased to present the classic, five-time Oscar-winner (including Best Actress) on the big screen. MARY POPPINS has been remastered and re-released from the Disney Vault in celebration of the 50-year Anniversary of this American treasure. ...

Everything is coming up powder, but some of the news points to festival season this summer. And it's hot. Apparently Toronto Film Festival honchos are unhappy that films they accepted as premieres were sneak peeking at the Telluride Film Festival and plan to put a...