
With help from Colorado friends itchy-O and their track "Gallow's Disco," Telluride Horror Show just dropped a trailer announcing the full program for its 13th film festival, scheduled for October 14-16, 2022 in the funky, unique mining-turned-ski town of Telluride. "20 Coolest Film Festivals," MovieMaker Magazine. "Best...

Presented by the National Film Preserve, the Telluride Film Festival (TFF) just brought the curtain down on its 49th edition. And once again, the nearly 90 feature films, short films, and revival programs representing 25 countries, along with special artist Tributes, Conversations, Panels, Student Programs, and...

Presented by the National Film Preserve, the Telluride Film Festival (TFF) just announced its official program selections for its 49th edition. TFF’s celebration of artistic excellence brings together cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers, and artists to discover the best in world cinema in the beautiful mountain town...

The Telluride Film Festival (September 2-5, 2022) today presents its 2022 Festival poster, designed by Leanne Shapton. Festival posters are available for purchase now on the TFF website at Go here for more on the Telluride Film Festival (TFF). Leanne Shapton is a Canadian author, artist,...

Presented by National Film Preserve LTD., the Telluride Film Festival (TFF), is proud to announce dissident Russian filmmakers Kantemir Balagov and Kira Kovalenko as its 2022 Festival Guest Directors.The award-winning filmmakers are set to select a series of films to present at the 49th Telluride...

The stoke is at an all-time high as Mountainfilm returns to an in-person festival over Memorial Day weekend in Telluride, May 26 – May 30, followed by the After the Fest Online, May 31 – June 7. Mountainfilm 2022 boasts 128 films, including 23 world and...

Telluride-based Original Thinkers (OT) is a thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2021, in Telluride – and this year, virtually 10/1 - 10/31. The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers,...

Enjoy Bow Wow Film Festival docs, also bargains to benefit Second Chance Humane Society. For film or auction details contact 970.626.2273 or visit See auction items and register to bid at: Bidding closes 8/6, 8 p.m. Second Chance Humane Society is once again partnering...