
“No matter what kind of year I have had, if I come to Telluride, it’s been a good year,” Werner Herzog. Lights! Camera! Action! The 43rd annual Telluride Film Festival officially begins with the start of Labor Day weekend, Friday, 9/2 – Monday, 9/5, when the legacy of Georges Méliès...

The Telluride Film Festival, presented by National Film Preserve LTD., is proud to announce its 2016 Guest Director, Volker Schlöndorff. The globally acclaimed German filmmaker, producer, writer, and actor is set to select a series of films to present at the 43rd Telluride Film Festival...

43rd Telluride Film Festival announces 2016 Poster Artist, Yann Legendre. The 43rd Telluride Film Festival,  presented by National Film Preserve LTD., proudly announces illustrator, designer and art director Yann Legendre as its 2016 poster artist. Telluride Film Festival’s prestigious annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers...

Telluride Film Fest's Sunday at the Palm: 9th Annual Children’s Film Fest. Sunday, May 15, 4 p.m. at the Michael D. Palm Theatre for the Performing Arts. Appropriate for the whole family. FREE TO ALL. Running time 75 minutes. All kids and kids-at-heart are invited to attend the Telluride...

Just in time for spring: LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. Monday, May 2, 6 p.m. Free to all. Cinematheque is a collaboration between the Telluride Film Festival and the Wilkinson Public Library.   The transition from winter to spring offers an opportunity for personal reflection. Join the Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public...

In celebration of Earth Day, the community is invited to the Telluride Film Festival's Sunday at the Palm series for a special presentation of DISNEYNATURE OCEANS (2010, 84 minutes, Rated G). "OCEANS is a jaw-dropper as a visual travelogue." - The Village Voice "Oh, it's amazing" - A.O. Scott,...

For the April installment of Cinematheque, a film club and collaboration between the Telluride Film Fest and the Telluride Library, the feature is “Together,” a superb Swedish satire. Monday, April 4. Show time is 6 p.m. Free to all. With host and local cinephile, Seth Cagin. Telluride...

Telluride Film Festival presents “Boy and the World” at Sunday at The Palm. “Dazzling!  Boldly imaginative…an enchanting visual treat,” raved Variety. Scroll down to watch the charming trailer. Nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature, BOY AND THE WORLD is a Brazilian adventure that follows a young...

The title of my review of the 42nd annual Telluride Film Festival was pilfered from a line in Lenny Abrahamson’s dark drama “Room.” [caption id="attachment_57384" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Actress Brie Larson accepts the Best Actress award for 'Room' during the 88th Annual Academy Awards at the Dolby...

It’s not just any Sunday. At least for some. Tomorrow is Oscar Sunday, a time to celebrate the talent of mostly glitzy white peeps – and dish about their rags. And if you live in Telluride, root for your favorites from the Telluride Film Fest. According...