15 Nov Matchstick Production’s “Ruin and Rose”
Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation & Black Tie Ski Rentals present Matchstick Production’s “Ruin and Rose.” The event takes place Friday, November 18, 6 & 9 p.m.Tickets $15 per show adults, $7 kids 18 and under at the Sheridan Opera House. Watch the trailer below.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation and Black Tie Ski Rentals present Matchstick Production’s latest ski film “Ruin & Rose.” Screenings are sponsored by Black Tie Ski Rentals, who are generously providing swag to be given away and raffled off, including a pair of skis at BOTH screenings.
A surreal future leaves the world without water and consumed by sand: the Big Empty. A group of children survives alone on the edge of the endless desert in the ruin of the now. When a young boy unearths an ancient relic hinting at the lost wonders of winter, he sets off in search of the ghosts who once called the mountains their home. This bold cinematic experience balances stunning skiing with a wild and hopeful journey into the forgotten lands of myth and magic beyond the Empty.
Acclaimed writer/director Ben Sturgulewski joins the award-winning team at Matchstick Productions and their two decades of filmmaking expertise to deliver “Ruin and Rose,” an epic creative vision brought to life by the talents of the world’s top skiers. Winter landscapes across the planet contrast seamlessly with a thoroughly-crafted story of environmental apocalypse, shot entirely within the otherworldly expanses of Africa’s Skeleton Coast. Unlike anything seen before, the dreamlike setting of this film sparks the imagination not only action of sports enthusiasts, but also anyone with a beating heart.
Presented by Under Armour in spectacular 4K resolution, “Ruin and Rose” features veterans and newcomers alike, including Mark Abma, Sammy Carlson, Markus Eder, Zack Giffin, Sander Hadley, Russ Henshaw, Eric Hjorleifson, Lukas Joas, Sean Jordan, Bene Mayr, Evan McEachran, Michelle Parker, Ole Pavel, Tanner Rainville, Austin Ross, Fabio Studer, Cody Townsend, Noah Wallace, and others. “Ruin and Rose” was filmed on location in Alaska, Austria, British Columbia, Bulgaria, California, France, Switzerland, and the deserts of Namibia.
The new Opera House SHOW Bar opens at 5 p.m. and will be open throughout the evening. Come check it out and wear a black tie or bow tie to receive $1 off draft beers.
Tickets and additional event information are available at sheridanoperahouse.com or 970.728.6363 x5.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation was founded in 1991 as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization to preserve the historic Sheridan Opera House as an arts and cultural resource for the Telluride community, to bring quality arts and cultural events to Telluride and to provide local and national youth with access and exposure to the arts through education. The Sheridan Arts Foundation is sponsored in part by grants from the Telluride Foundation and CCAASE.
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