Author: Susan Viebrock

According to Pathfinder International, HIV remains one of the most serious global health threats of our time. In 2017, 1.8 million people were infected with HIV; 940,000 died of AIDS-related causes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S. alone, while the annual number of new...

On Saturday January 19, 2019, 10–11 a.m., the Women's March comes to Montrose, Colorado. March from Demoret Park
, 246 W Main Street, corner of Main & Townsend (meet at 9:30a.m.). Speakers at Centennial Plaza, 422 S 1st Street (March finish), 11 a.m. - noon. March...

Telluride's Sheridan Arts Foundation presents Papadosio live at the historic Sheridan Opera House on Sunday, January 20, 2019. Show begins at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $30 general admission on the floor; $40 reserved seats in the balcony. (A $4 ticketing...

Barrett Jones is a clinical pharmacologist who studied at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas. He currently works in a chemistry laboratory in Columbia University (where he also lecturers occasionally) investigating how pharmaceuticals interact with our biological systems. Jones specializes in and is passionate about how...

Climate change challenges facing the world in the New Year leaving you feeling blorft? (Check out Tina Fey.) Here's an antidote: some good news from Jeff Deyette and the Union of Concerned Scientists to start off the new year. We curated this story from EcoWatch. Despite...

The Telluride Ski Resort is pleased to announce more snow on the mountain. The recent storm on Sunday into Monday dropped 10" of fresh across Telluride's slopes, bringing the season-to-date total to more than 10 feet. To stay in-the-know throughout the winter season, you might want to download...

Applications for the Trust for Community Housing are now available on TCH’s website. To qualify, link to SMRHA’s website and choose the application that applies to your situation (location of unit, rental or buyer), go here. For more information about the trust for Community Housing, to donate...

When it comes to Big Surprises, nothing, err, trumps the Telluride Film Festival, which has managed to keep the names of the films and special guests on its annual program a secret until the cat is finally let out of the bag over Labor Day...

Telluride's EcoAction Partners announces an introduction to the Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program. The event takes place Tuesday, January 8, 12 - 1:30 p.m., at Town Hall in Mountain Village (455 Mountain Village Blvd., Suite A). Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP here. The...

Just days into 2019 are you still resolved to become other than who you were in 2018? Often we make those annual promises to ourselves only to break them. Here's what Mark Twain had to say on the subject: "New Year's Day now is the accepted time...