Author: Susan Viebrock

Full season passes, lift tickets, ski and snowboard lessons and nursery products for the Telluride Ski Resort’s 2018/2019 season are available for purchase and a team offering personalized assistance is there to help. Start your journey online at Note: Full season passes now include additional mountain access as...

Telluride's EcoAction' Partners' Ophir composting program has diverted over 3,000 pounds of food and waste from landfill. For more information about the RREO Grant visit here. Greenlights Program, a rebate program sponsored by the San Miguel Power Association, Telluride Foundation, Ouray and San Miguel Counties, and the...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Prevention Month. In support, the Ah Haa  School is hosting the 9th Annual Bra Invitational. The event takes place Thursday, October 11, 7:30 p.m., at the New Sheridan Bar. Gentlemen from the Telluride community model the...

Amy Cannon, wife of beloved husband, father, banker and avid outdoor adventurer Tim Cannon, (11/17/1962-7/8/2018), hosts fundraiser, along with friends, Mike Volk and Seth Weatherfield, to benefit the dedicated Telluride-based San Miguel Search & Rescue team so crucial in the search for Tim this summer. The...

David Holbrooke designed "Original Thinkers," Thursday, October 4 - Sunday, October 7,  as "a new, highly curated festival that melds speakers, films, and performance into a powerful four-day experience in Telluride." According to Holbrooke, "The scale of the world’s problems we face feels overwhelming. We’ve...

TanzTheater to present "Mimoun," Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5 at Telluride's Palm Complex, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Tickets for this event are available at any price. Simply choose the level that makes you happiest. Proceeds help the Michael D. Palm Theatre provide excellent...

How about dinosaurs as a distraction from the noisy, noisome headlines? No, not the old white guys in Congress – the ancient relatives of the ones that populated Jurassic Park. Curious about how they met their maker? This story by Bianca Bosker for The Atlantic...

Is your monkey mind keeping you awake at night? Headlines? Both? And could regulating light or inhaling lavender help? We curated a story that appeared in Vox on the subject of getting to good night's sleep. It was written by Sean Illing, a science journalist...