Author: Susan Viebrock

The German art critic Karl With, who published a life of Marc Chagall in 1923, began his book with two definitions: "Chagall is Russian" and "Chagall is an eastern Jew (Ostjude)." The author went on: "One part of him is reserved . . . melancholic...

Former Telluride resident, Lynne Sandoval, to lead new investment in group experiences for the Telluride Ski Resort. [caption id="attachment_69914" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Lynne Sandoval takes on new position at Telski, designing group experiences.[/caption] As Telluride Ski Resort forges ahead with a commitment to be widely considered among the...

Daylight savings ends Sunday morning. That means at 1 a.m. it will be midnight. It might also mean your sleep schedule is disrupted. And that means trouble. Writing for the New York Times' Smarter Living, Tim Herrara talks about "Feeling Groggy? Here's How to Stop...

Turns out there may be strong evolutionary evidence that explains why some people are not early risers. Check out this story by Sarah DiGiulio for her Healthy Living column in the Huff Post. A solid gold eight hours of Zzzzs per night just might not be...

Fashion Friday 2.0 brings back a popular TIO fashion blog, first featuring Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, now brought to you by Erin Busbee and sponsored by Kristin and Two Skirts. What goes around...

Christy Sports acquires BootDoctors, expanding footprint in Telluride & Taos Markets. Christy Sports LLC, one of the largest winter sports specialty retailers in the nation, today announced its most recent acquisition BootDoctors, a specialty retailer of ski, snowboard and bike products and services, which currently operates...

Been there. Done that. Mid-thought, mid-sentence, suddenly the word on the tip of the tongue just won't drop off. In this story for Smarter Living in The New York Times, Tim Herrara assures us that these momentary hiccups are not a sign of dementia. The...

Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque is collaboration between The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library. "Como Agua Para Chocolate" or "Like Water For Chocolate," (1992, Rated R, 105 minutes) takes place Monday, November 6, 6 p.m. at the Telluride Library. Free to all. Please scroll down to watch the trailer. The...

According to Brian Handwerk in Nat Geo, Halloween is no longer an American holiday.  The spookfest is going global. Halloween is spreading around the globe like a zombie outbreak. From Germany to Japan, young adults are embracing the holiday—particularly its costume parties—as they escape the status quo...

On our road trip to the Left Coast, so far we have enjoyed fabulous food (earth-to-plate at Seattle's wonderful Terra Plata; oysters harvested a few yards away at a roadside restaurant in Hama Hama, Washington), also food for thought, including a pearl of a show...