Author: Susan Viebrock

Acclaimed photographer Dan Budnik, who captured enduring images of 1950s artists at work and key events of the civil rights movement, died August 14, 2020. He was 87 years old. View available work here. Read the New York Times obituary here. And currently up at the Telluride...

Thursday, August 6, 2020, marks the third Telluride Arts’ Art Walk of the summer season. Through mid-August, the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art continues to feature a show entitled “Little Gems.” Right now the Gallery’s online store is showcasing the “Gems” inventory exclusively. To learn about...

Thursday, July 2, 2020 marks the second Telluride Arts’ Art Walk of the summer season. Throughout the month, Slate Gray Gallery Telluride is featuring the work of artists in its stable from Colorado and Texas. Go here to check out a major story about Slate Gray and Telluride Arts...

During the 1920s and 1930s, a movement arose to scrap Mother’s Day and Father’s Day altogether in favor of a single holiday: Parents’ Day. Every year on Mother’s Day, pro-Parents’ Day groups rallied in New York City’s Central Park – a public reminder, said Parents’...

Jeff Price is a screenwriter best known for “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” “Doc Hollywood,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” “Shrek III.” He also directed and co-wrote “For Cryin’ Out Loud” and co-wrote “My Brother’s Keeper” for “Tales From the Crypt.” Jeff’s debut novel, “Improbable Fortunes,”...

Thursday, June 4, 2020 marked the first Telluride Arts' Art Walk of the summer season. For the month of June, the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art is featuring the work of Emmi Whitehorse, Tony Berlant and Elizabeth Garvin. And please note: Until July 5, the...