September 2010

Easya_smallposter The movie for the week of October 1 through 7 at Telluride's Nugget Theatre is "Easy A", rated PG-13. Olive (Emma Stone) invents a weekend tryst rather than admit she spen the weekend home alone. The resulting rumor is used to elevate her social status, using a modern adaptation of the Scarlet Letter. "Easy A" has a good cast and critics have commented positivley on the intelligence of the comedy. See below for movie times and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.



by Walter Wright

The Town of Telluride in cooperation with The New Community Coalition (TNCC) is hosting Fall E-Cycle – Regional Electronics Only Recycling Friday and Sat. Oct. 1-2, 2010.

Regional residents and businesses may drop items on Friday, October 1, 2010, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  and Saturday, October 2, 2010, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at 1370 Black Bear Road at the Public Works & Transit Facility in the Town of Telluride. 

IMGP1496 We at Telluride Inside... and Out have family on both coasts, and in between. With the busy calendar in Telluride in Summer and Winter, most of our travel gets concentrated in the off seasons. Throw in the occasional glitch, and that off-season travel can get hectic.

IMGP1567_2 The past several weeks serve as an illustration: Susan and I spent a week in Pittsburgh with daughter Kjerstin and family. Some transportation difficulties made it more advantageous to forgo our planned two day stop in Telluride before continuing to the Seattle area to be with Chief Geek Kimm Viebrock and her family. The change meant we had a few extra days with the Northwest contingent, but brought a few difficulties of its own. We had driven to Denver and our car was at the airport. Instead of flying to Rapid City, SD for the annual get-together with fellow retired Northwest Airlines pilots, I flew to Denver, got the car, drove to Rapid City.

TCAH - Tag Holiday Bazaar 2009 Did I just put "Xmas" and "Telluride" in the same sentence and we still have a month of days before Halloween? However, planning ahead for the holidays is not a bad thing, especially when a cast of thousands ( ok, closer to 50) is involved.

The Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities, the event sponsor, is looking for artists and craftspeople to sell their work at this year’s Telluride Artisans Guild Bazaar. Friday, November 5, is the deadline to register.
September 23 to 30, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter thru the 21st   Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter from the 21st
The Autumn Equinox and Harvest Moon
HarvestMoon1 The 2010 Harvest Moon comes to fruition just six hours after the Autumnal Equinox, not only adding extra oomph to an already powerful time of year, but also illuminating the present condition and current state of our affairs – personal, social, global and planetary. We are awakened to what is and what is not, what works for or against us, how we feel and how we deal. Taking place at the very first degree of Libra/Aries, this Full Moon/Equinox is beaming direct rays of light on our most important, significant and committed one-to-one relationships – specifically how we show up for others and how they show up for us – and asking us to take a good, long look at what we see. Aries is all about impulse, action and instinct while Libra is more about strategy, diplomacy and negotiation. Both are concerned with getting personal needs and desires fulfilled, it’s just a matter of style and preference as to how it’s accomplished.

HarvestSunset We are being tossed in to a room of revolving mirrors, where the reflections of self and other are constantly changing in size, shape and scope. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself playing the diplomat one day and the demanding child the next. Or perhaps you are simply attracted to change, something totally different and unusual. The bottom line is that we are opening new energetic gateways and revealing new options in our sharing and pairing. What inspired us once, no longer seems to. The world is upside and sideways, nothing makes sense and security is an illusion. The best we can do is to be true to our values and ourselves, treat others with respect and kindness, do the next right thing and take it one day at a time. This is a time to be healthily selfish, accept responsibility for the condition of our relationships and personal affairs, work on doing what we can to make this Earth a better place to live and breathe, and be totally present – at all times and in all ways – be here now! Redvine1We are embarking upon a fall season of great potential accomplishment, maturity and fruition. Equanimity, self-motivation and sweetness are allies. Good luck and may the beauty and bounty of Harvest be with you.
Peace, love and joy…

[click "Play" for Erika Gordon's conversation with Susan]


The Telluride Film Festival doesn't mess around. No fluff. Not ever. Just culturally significant films that also entertain. Considered one of the most influential of all sci-fi films ever, and one of the most controversial,"2001: A Space Odyssey," (1968, 141 minutes) opens the 2010/2011 season of  the Telluride Film Festival's Sunday at the Palm series. The screening takes place Sunday, September 26, 4 p.m. at the Michael D. Palm Theatre.

"2001: A Space Odyssey"  is a meditation on man's inventiveness, but it comes with a warning label. (Think "Hal.") James Cameron owes a debt to Stanley Kubrick, whose film is the daddy of special effects, surrealism, and scientific realism in cinema.