May 2010

Scott Doser, makin' smoke

We did not make up the lyric. It's Rodgers and Hammerstein from "Carousel." But it is no less for Telluride's 5-star Wilkinson Public Library. The action heats up on the grill, Tuesday, June 1, @ noon, when Books & Cooks host Chef Bud reveals the secrets of grilling.

On Friday, June 4, starting at 8:30 a.m., Telluride-based The New Community Coalition is back with Green Business Roundtable #5: “What Even You Can Do to Green Your Space.” 

by Mountainfilm staff

Mountainfilm in Telluride announces a new granting program, the Mountainfilm Commitment. The initiative provides up to five grants of $5,000 each year to filmmakers, photographers, artists and adventurers whose projects are intended to move audiences to action on issues that matter. Individuals who are producing film, video, photography, book, art, and multimedia projects that can be presented in theaters and galleries or, more broadly, on television and online, are eligible. Mountainfilm will also work with grantees to ensure that their stories are heard as widely as possible. Grants will be awarded in the inaugural cycle of the program to individuals who have either participated in a Mountainfilm in Telluride festival as a filmmaker or special guest presenter or have been recommended by participating filmmakers or presenters.

When we head down from Telluride to take Gina the Dog to stay with Ted Hoff at Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel, somewhere between Delta and Hotchkiss she will start getting excited, and by the time we turn into the ranch entrance, Gina can...

Image003, cropped This weekend, Mountainfilm in Telluride and SquidShow Theatre present "War of the Words: A Murder Trial, Endangered Language vs. English. The dramatic event takes place Saturday, May 29, 9:15 p.m. @ The Masons.

After bringing Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History to life last year, SquidShow Theatre is excited to pair up with Mountainfilm again, this time creating an original play based on the Festival's theme: extinction.

“Festival Director David Holbrooke approached us about creating an original play, because he wanted to incorporate theatre and live performance in this year’s Festival again," said Sasha Cucciniello. "After several conversations about what we might write about, David mentioned language extinction. After doing some research, the choice was made. Being a writer, I was blown away by the subject, the impact language extinction is having on our world and the implications for the future of language.”

May 27 to June 3, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn

Wonder Woman, the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Karma

WonderWoman I’ve run in to several people lately who’ve asked me if I know what’s going on. “Is this stuff astrological?” and “What’s happening with the planets?” are two questions that I've heard recently. As usual, astrologers always have explanations for “what’s going on.” Real or unreal, virtual or actual, relevant or irrelevant, astrology contains an inherent alchemy that correlates naturally occurring celestial phenomena with events and experiences taking place right here, right now. As above, so below – the ancient esoteric dictum of Hermes Trismegistus, father of medicine and magic, author of antiquity’s fabled Emerald Tablet – says it all.

Of course, everyone’s referring to these wild and crazy times. From the global economic whack-job to the oil rig tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico to the apparent ineptitude of big business and the stagnation, red tape and partisanship of government, we are held hostage in a multi-faceted, multi-national war of power and special interest. As synthetic and natural worlds crash and collide, the inevitability of our effect upon the Earth’s ecosystems is everywhere. Shrinking polar ice caps, vanishing wildlife, polluted oceans and disappearing habitats are just a few examples of humanity’s grasp upon the planet. Not even Superman or Wonder Woman can save us from ourselves.

"The moment when one thing turns into another is the most beautiful moment," Vik Muniz

Mountainfilm in Telluride selected director Lucy Walker's latest film to be included in its program line-up from among more than 600 submissions. "Waste Land," which has already garnered a small bucket of awards including World Cinema Documentary Audience Award at Sundance, will be screened over the long Memorial Day weekend, May 28 – May 30, at the 32nd annual gathering of the tribe.

The "Waste Land" in question is not that of poet T.S. Eliot. Eliot's "Wasteland" is a metaphor (for the disillusionment of the generation post WWI). Although poetic transformations happen there as a result of the film project, Walker's wasteland is a real place, Jardim Gramacho, the world's largest garbage dump, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

By D. Dion


Greg Stump’s “Blizzard of Aahhh’s (1988) is perhaps the most beloved movie ever made about skiing. (Skiing Magazine ranked it #1 in its Top Ten Ski Movies of All Times, and a VHS recording of the film sits on the shelf of every self-respecting ski bum over the age of 30.) The movie also holds a special place in the heart of Telluriders, because it features lots of local footage from the 80s, from powder runs down Mammoth in neon-colored, one-piece ski suits to dreadlocked reggae musician Rasta Stevie waxing philosophical about his stint in Telluride politics and the vibe of the ski town.

It’s fitting, then, that the preeminent filmmaker would preview his newest work in progress, the ski flick “Legend of Aahhh’s,” here in his old Stump-ing grounds, at Telluride’s Mountainfilm festival this Memorial Day weekend. “I spent every winter from 1983 through 1988 in Telluride, with my brother Geoff. I really like it there,” says Stump.

[Anthony speaks to Susan about his art and being Anthony Holbrooke, click "Play"]

Anthony-3 The name "Holbrooke" is listed in the Telluride phone book. It is also gets top billing on the marquee of the world stage.

Dad is Ambassador, now Special Representative, Richard Holbrooke, appointed by President Obama to help his administration tackle the thorniest foreign policy challenges it faces: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ambassador Holbrooke is also a regular at Mountainfilm in Telluride, the event son David, a talented documentary filmmaker, has programmed for the past three years as its Festival Director.

This year, Ambassador Holbrooke is unable to attend Mountainfilm in Telluride, but another Holbrooke, son Anthony, is on the schedule. His show at the Ah Haa School for the Arts is part of Mountainfilm's Gallery Walk, Friday, May 28, following the Symposium.

Ironman2_smallfinal Telluride's Nugget Theatre is one of the venues for Mountainfilm in Telluride from Friday, May 28 through Monday morning. Check for the Festival lineup. The Nugget's regular schedule resumes Monday evening with Iron Man 2 (PG-13). Note there is a "TBA" on the schedule for Thursday evening at 8:30 pm.

Shhh, don't tell: Iron Man is dying. The public knows who he is, and there are pressures to share his secrets with the US government. Naturally there are bad guys, but in this case the level of acting should make Iron Man an interesting evening at the cinema.

See below for movietimes, and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

[click "Play" to hear Erik Dalton talk about Jagged Edge and Mountainfilm]

Telluride's Jagged Edge is more than a store. It a gathering place for like-minded folks, from hardcore adrenaline junkies to weekend warriors with day jobs. It is the retail outlet those who support Mountainfilm in Telluride love to support.

Mountainfilm in Telluride is a local Festival with international clout. Ever year for the past 32, a cutting edge, Jagged Edge crowd of filmmakers, authors, scientists, environmentalists and adventurers, mountaineers and river runners alike, have gathered in town for a catchall celebration of mountain living and mountain arts.