Mountainfilm in Telluride & SquidShow present “War of the Words”

Mountainfilm in Telluride & SquidShow present “War of the Words”

Image003, cropped This weekend, Mountainfilm in Telluride and SquidShow Theatre present "War of the Words: A Murder Trial, Endangered Language vs. English. The dramatic event takes place Saturday, May 29, 9:15 p.m. @ The Masons.

After bringing Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History to life last year, SquidShow Theatre is excited to pair up with Mountainfilm again, this time creating an original play based on the Festival's theme: extinction.

“Festival Director David Holbrooke approached us about creating an original play, because he wanted to incorporate theatre and live performance in this year’s Festival again," said Sasha Cucciniello. "After several conversations about what we might write about, David mentioned language extinction. After doing some research, the choice was made. Being a writer, I was blown away by the subject, the impact language extinction is having on our world and the implications for the future of language.”

Cucciniello tapped fellow writer Reilly Capps to tackle this huge subject and he co-write the play. What the two came up with is informative, funny, and pure SquidShow.

"I hate to see languages die," Capps said. "You never know when you're going to run out of English and need to borrow from somewhere else."

Linguists say half the world's languages will be extinct by the year 2100. So, whodunnit? A special court has been called into session to find out who's guilty of the crime of languicide. Is it globalization? Simple goodwill? Or is it the English language itself? SquidShow's first criminal justice event premieres at the 2010 Mountainfilm Festival … and the audience is the jury.

Featuring Riley Arthur, Ehren Borg, Reilly Capps, Sasha Cucciniello, Will Evans, Ethan Hale, Dahlia Mertens, Brittany Miller, Tom Shane, Colin Sullivan, Thrax and a special guest appearance by climber extraordinaire Timmy O’Neill

"War of the Words" is preceded by 30 minutes of Mountainfilm shorts.

Mountainfilm passholders and ticket holders are admitted first. Individual tickets go on sale at the door for $25 after passholders enter, space permitting.

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