
Telluride Mountainfilm’s Moving Mountains Symposium will coincide with centennial celebration. National Parks are home to graceful arches of sandstone and otherworldly badlands, of alligator-infested mangrove forests and bison-studded plains. Immense river canyons where time stretches beyond imagination, massive caves draped with stalactites, historic battle sites, the...

October 8 to 15, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter     Evening: Saturn October 12th marks the day of 2015’s annual Libra New Moon and begins the year’s most auspicious lunar month to reboot, rebirth and renew existing relationships, as well as initiate new...

The newly formed Telluride First Foundation’s freshman conference is an Integrative Wellness Summit, Friday, September 11 – Sunday, September 13, 2015. The event brings together top experts in the fields of nutrition, longevity, and integrative healthcare, who plan to share the latest scientific findings and the great potential for enhanced, holistic wellness inherent in those discoveries and methodologies. Topics will...