
The Telluride Ski & Golf Resort annually supports the Play for P.I.N.K. Golf Tournament with P.I.N.K. funds dedicated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation for state-of-the-art studies, as well as to the Telluride Medical Center Foundation’s Preventative Health Fund.  To become a sponsor, volunteer or learn...

The Telluride Regional Medical Center now has access to Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines to offer patients during regularly scheduled primary care visits, as well as at clinics held twice weekly, Wednesdays and Fridays, throughout the summer. If you’d like to make an appointment for...

Support Telluride Medical Center’s COVID Fund here. Register for vaccine here. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. For additional Telluride Medical Center (TMC) information on COVID, go here There are no overnight beds at the...

If you have experienced sexual assault call the Telluride Regional Medical Center, 728-3848. If you would like to talk to someone call the San Miguel Resource Center, 728-5842. For more information visit or regarding available resources around interpersonal violence. Register for vaccine here. Support...

Register for vaccine here. Support Telluride Medical Center’s COVID Fund here. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. For additional Telluride Medical Center (TMC) information on COVID, go here. TMC would love to hear from you...

For further information about the pandemic in the Telluride region, go to For San Miguel County updates, go here. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call The Center for Mental Health’s crisis line at 970.252.6220. For help with deep stress, Behavioral Health expert Lindsay Wright can be reached by calling...

Register for vaccine here. Support Telluride Medical Center’s COVID Fund here. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. For additional Telluride Medical Center (TMC) information on COVID, go here. TMC would love to hear from you...