
                 July 31 to August 7, 2014 Visible planets: Morning:  Venus                 Evening: Mars, Saturn Here it is, the first week of August in southwestern Colorado. I see the first signs of impending autumn; a golden aspen here and there, blonde streaks and auburn tints...

July 24 to 31, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus         Evening: Mars, Saturn The Lion, the proud, courageous king – and queen – of beasts. What a perfectly appropriate symbol for the fixed fire sign of Leo, the 5th sign of the tropical zodiac, ruled...

July 17 to 24, 2014     Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus    Evening: Mars, Saturn Giant planet Jupiter, a.k.a. the Greater Benefic, moves from intuitive, feeling-oriented Cancer into creative, action-oriented Leo this week, ending its one-year transit through the zodiac’s first water sign. This event heralds a...

July 10 to 17, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus         Evening: Mars, Saturn In India, the full Moon of July is known as the “guru Moon” and throughout the land people celebrate, pay homage and honor the lives and teachings of their gurus – past...