Telluride Medical Center

Telluride Hospital District Chairman Larry Mallard and Mountain Village Mayor Dan Jansen discuss funding strategy and path to a new medical center in Mountain Village. Telluride Hospital District (THD) Chairman Larry Mallard and Mountain Village Mayor Dan Jansen facilitated a community update on plans for the...

Telluride Medical Center joins Veterans Association's Choice Program to provide veterans with easy access to routine medical care locally. The Telluride Medical Center recently expanded its services in order to provide top-quality care for local veterans. The program - Veterans Choice - enables veterans to seek...

The Telluride Hospital District (THD) announced this week the appointment of two new members onto its Board of Directors as well as the resignations of two outgoing directors. Joining the Board of Directors are Davis Fansler and Richard Betts. "These newest directors embody the spirit of...

Telluride Women Give hosts first talk in series on topical issues in the fields of health of wellness. Event (in a private home) features Dr. Sharon Grundy on the hot subject of our micro biome. For further information about Telluride Women Give and to attend August...

Telluride Hospital District closes on site for the region's medical center in Mountain Village. [caption id="attachment_51931" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Mountain Village Mayor Dan Jansen, Robin Watkinson of Land Title and THD Chair Larry Mallard close the deal bringing a new facility one step closer to fruition.[/caption] The Telluride...